Free Universal Insurance/Assurance Coverage!
The idea of insurance is to pay what may be considered a small sum of money in exchange for "coverage" of some item or items.
This coverage promises replacement or compensation, in case the item happens to be destroyed, stolen, or something of that sort.
There are many types of insurance.
Some compensate for fire, accident and so on.
The buyer can usually determine what type of insurance he prefers; or he may accept a "package" that is offered.
The above classes of insurance deal with coverage for tangible items.
But perhaps the more important type of insurance has to do with the individual (personal insurance).
This type of insurance is also referred to as life or health insurance.
It has nothing to do with keeping you from getting sick or preventing you from dying! Nevertheless, it helps pay the medical bills.
So there is insurance design to "cover" an individual; and there is insurance for covering the possessions of an individual.
There is however, another kind of insurance that offers personal and complete coverage for the individual.
This Insurance can also be regarded as Assurance.
Unfortunately, too many people have paid little or no attention to this - ultimate in Assurance coverage.
They therefore have not taken advantage of the free offer and coverage that it provides.
Free coverage can be offered to anyone because the full price for the Insurance and Assurance has already been paid! For an individual to go through life without this coverage is, to put it mildly, foolish.
It is taking a chance with his or her eternal destiny.
Whether he or she will spend eternity with a loving Creator; or be separated from Him for all time, is a choice the individual must make: and the sooner the better.
Those who believe in God know that He is a loving God.
They know He is a God of justice and righteousness.
They also know He is a God of wrath; and cannot but punish the unrepentant person, It is not worth taking the risk; pretending or believing that a loving Creator would not carry out such a punishment as - eternal separation form Himself! Remember He cannot look on sin.
God sees every redeemed sinner, only through the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Therefore, we can come to God only through Jesus Christ.
God has given ample warning about the fate of those who deliberately and defiantly choose to be rebellious and disobedient.
Against Him.
They refuse to acknowledge His Son Jesus Christ, who is the only Savor of all who would believe.
"God is who He says He is:" and "God can do what he says he can do:" from 'Believing God' by Beth Moore.
You can make your callingand election sure by repenting and accepting Jesus Christ now; and committing to Him.
Jesus Christ is the ultimate Insurance and Assurance Coverage, in this Life and the One to come .
Moreover, you do not have to pay for this Insurance and Assurance; it is free to you.
Your part is to Believe, Accept, Obey and Follow Jesus Christ.
His gift of the Holy Spirit would give you Power; and would teach and guide you always.
You will not be alone! Christ Jesus will be with you always and would give you supernatural power to do what pleases Him; and what will bring true peace and meaning to your life.
Look at this incomparable piece of Insurance and Assurance, wrapped up in God's Son, Jesus Christ! Let's examine it to see who and what are involved.
Look at the following verse of Holy Scripture taken from John 3:16; you must have heard it many times before: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting Life.
" The verse above refers to (a) God; (b) His Son Jesus Christ; (c) the world; (d) those who believe; (e) those who do not believe.
Who is it that God loves? The world (everybody).
So why did God give (sacrificed) His Son? Because of overwhelming love for everybody and to save from destruction.
Who would perish? Anyone who does not believe, accept and follow Jesus Christ, as his or her Savor.
Who would not perish; but have everlasting life? Anyone who believes accepts and follow Jesus Christ.
as his or her Savor.
This therefore is the incomparable, supernatural Insurance and Assurance; that God in Christ Jesus, freely offers to anyone, who believes and accepts His Son Jesus Christ.
Commit to Jesus Christ now; you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!