Pocohontas Parkway Associations
- Virginia is one of the country's more traffic-heavy states.Arthur Tilley/Creatas/Getty Images
The Pocahontas Parkway is an 8.8 mile freeway south of Richmond, Virginia, which links together two roads, I-95 and VA-150. The project is unique in that it relies upon associations between public and private entities, namely the Virginia Department of Transportation, the Pocahontas Parkway Association, and eventually, the private firm Transurban. Planning for the parkway began in the mid-1990s, with a 4-year construction period lasting from 1998 to 2002. - The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) was one of the primary associations which helped create the Pocahontas Parkway. As a part of the Virginia state government, VDOT comprised the public sector of the agreement. VDOT is the executive governing body for Virginia state roads.While originally partnered with the Pocahontas Parkway Association to create the freeway, control eventually was ceded to Transurban, a private company.
- The Pocahontas Parkway Association was the non-profit organization created in order to issue debt for the project's private sponsor. It was this money which began the project. When funding grew short, the original private partner, Fluor Daniel/Morrsion Knudsen, was dropped from the project.
- Transurban is an Australian and American toll company which bought out the Pocahontas Parkway Association in 2006, when it became clear that the present method of funding the road would soon cause it to forfeit on debt. As of present date, Transurban is the owning associate of the road, with rights to collect all tolls and fees for up to 99 years.
Virginia Department of Transportation
Pocahontas Parkway Association
Transurban LLC