Why Others Are Making Money With Article Marketing But You Are Struggling to Write an Article
Many people will tell you that article marketing is too much work and you really cannot generate a lot of traffic to it, but nothing could be further from the truth.
You need to find something that is "hot" to promote and know what are the things your customers are looking are.
Now, how can you do this and turn it in a massive traffic generation method and therefore a real source of massive sales and profits? Below are some of the mistakes that people usually make while doing article marketing.
Here are 3 common mistakes people make: 1.
Failing to understand what your customer needs and wants.
It is important to give what your customer wants so that your sales will flow in.
You do not want to promote fishing products to customer who are looking for golf items.
Do you? 2.
People think that article marketing is just writing a few articles and posting them online.
WRONG! You will need to do a keyword research for your targeted customer and post all the articles to different directories.
Choosing the wrong types of services and article directories.
By posting your articles to the wrong category, there will be no one reading your articles and thus no sales for you.