Diabetes Symptoms - What to Look For
If someone you love has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you probably have a lot of questions running through your head.
In the back of your mind, you are probably wondering what the diabetes symptoms are and how you can know for sure if you are possibly experiencing some of the warning signs as well.
Of course, there's no need to be unnecessarily concerned, especially if you have a strong health history and there is no history of diabetes in your family.
However, if you have been noticing strange changes in your body, you may want to read over some of the known symptoms of diabetes to see if they match with what you're experiencing.
Many of the diabetes symptoms for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are very similar, so if you are experiencing any of these signs you should schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately so that he can determine which, if any, type of the disease you have.
The signs of both types of diabetes are indications that your body isn't allowing your cells to have access to the glucose that it needs and your body is trying to tell you by acting abnormally.
Frequent trips to the bathroom are one indication that you may be experiencing some diabetes symptoms.
When urination becomes very frequent it is an indication that there is an overload of glucose in the blood.
When insulin is not being properly produced or accepted by your body, your kidneys may attempt to draw extra water out of your blood to try to dilute the glucose.
The result of this action is that you feel like you must urinate constantly.
Experiencing a tingling sensation in your legs, feet and hands is another one of the most common diabetes symptoms.
Doctors commonly refer to this symptom as neuropathy and it is a result of high glucose levels in the blood damaging the delicate nervous system.
Trouble with your vision can also be a sign of diabetes symptoms and should immediately be discussed with your doctor.
Intense hunger or fatigue, especially in a child that is usually in pretty good spirits and typically has a lot of energy is a huge warning sign that something may be wrong.
If you have your child seen by a doctor regularly, be sure to mention these strange signals with him or her, and ask them to perform the necessary test to rule out diabetes.
In the back of your mind, you are probably wondering what the diabetes symptoms are and how you can know for sure if you are possibly experiencing some of the warning signs as well.
Of course, there's no need to be unnecessarily concerned, especially if you have a strong health history and there is no history of diabetes in your family.
However, if you have been noticing strange changes in your body, you may want to read over some of the known symptoms of diabetes to see if they match with what you're experiencing.
Many of the diabetes symptoms for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are very similar, so if you are experiencing any of these signs you should schedule an appointment with your doctor immediately so that he can determine which, if any, type of the disease you have.
The signs of both types of diabetes are indications that your body isn't allowing your cells to have access to the glucose that it needs and your body is trying to tell you by acting abnormally.
Frequent trips to the bathroom are one indication that you may be experiencing some diabetes symptoms.
When urination becomes very frequent it is an indication that there is an overload of glucose in the blood.
When insulin is not being properly produced or accepted by your body, your kidneys may attempt to draw extra water out of your blood to try to dilute the glucose.
The result of this action is that you feel like you must urinate constantly.
Experiencing a tingling sensation in your legs, feet and hands is another one of the most common diabetes symptoms.
Doctors commonly refer to this symptom as neuropathy and it is a result of high glucose levels in the blood damaging the delicate nervous system.
Trouble with your vision can also be a sign of diabetes symptoms and should immediately be discussed with your doctor.
Intense hunger or fatigue, especially in a child that is usually in pretty good spirits and typically has a lot of energy is a huge warning sign that something may be wrong.
If you have your child seen by a doctor regularly, be sure to mention these strange signals with him or her, and ask them to perform the necessary test to rule out diabetes.