Enna - The Ten Commandments
Despite the life that lived in Enna, there was also a lot of holes inside of her, emptiness she tried to fill with love, with compassion, with drinking and with distraction with sex. After seeing her mother at the Rainbow Gathering, Enna had to decide what was important to her. She knew she could survive without her mother, without her father, but survival was only a small part of human life. Humans had been given the capacity for so much more, but it was easy to forget what was important in the struggles of day to day life. She knew better than anybody how easy it was to lose sight of what was important, so she turned to religion and the disciplines of enlightenment. Some she couldn't agree with, some she felt at home in, but felt they weren't hers. Just like life, she didn't feel that there was one where she belonged, although they all opened their arms to her. Empty, Enna decided to open her own church.
She turned on Joe's computer and found YourCHURCH.com. For $250.00 they would help her file the 501c3 forms to start her own practice. The man on the phone was very polite, finishing every sentence with ‘may the Lord be with you, my child,' to which Enna finished all her sentences with ‘may the earth carry your feet another day,' my brother. The conversation ended quickly, but the forms showed up in the mail a few days later.
Enna filled out the paperwork, put on her sparkly pink skirt, then set out to gather $250.00. She knew her only hope was Sunpie's Bistro, her favorite bar. It was Friday night and people were packed in against one another, their body heat and breath steaming up the windows. Colleen was behind the bar, her laugh momentarily flashing through the air to leave a warmth behind it. Enna pulled her aside. Colleen nodded.
Enna climbed onto the bar. She stomped her feet like a horse until she had the bar's attention. "Tonight I am having a fundraiser for the Church of Enna Rose. I am not asking for your money, I am asking for an exchange. For each person who donates money, I will do one giddyup shot. If at any point in the evening I fall down drunk, I will donate all my money to buying the bar drinks until you fall down.
"For those interested, the first service will be held in the back room Sunday at noon, the exact second where the definition of the day changes from morning to afternoon."
People started throwing money at her. Colleen started pouring giddyups. By the end of the night, Enna was teetering on the edge of the bar, but she never fell down. Her top had come off and her body swayed to the heartbeats of the people. She counted $2000.00. She was in business.
Now she had to write a sermon. An old roll of fax paper served as a scroll. She gathered every color pen she could find. In black across the top, she wrote The Ten Commandments. Just writing the words brought a sense of power and peace to her body.
1. Purple – Thou shalt always show compassion
a. If you forget, as soon as you remember, write the word 100 times. If you have no paper, say the word one hundred times. If you stumble, start at the beginning.
2. Green – Thou shalt tread lightly on the earth.
a. Nature has feelings too.
i. This doesn't mean you need to tiptoe, just don't scar her, gouge her or burn her.
b. Thou Shalt respect every living energy.
i. Ants and cockroaches have purpose even though I don't know what cockroaches do.
3. Yellow – Thou shalt remember the sun will always shine again.
a. Everyone's heart breaks, so when yours does, find a smile in a face around you, or touch the petal of a flower and remember you are as important as every other thread in this tapestry of life.
4. Pink – Thou shalt love thyself.
a. Why should anyone be bothered to love you if you can't love
5. Blue – Thou shalt spend time alone.
a. For at least five hours a week, thou shalt turn off your cell phone, turn off your T.V., close your book and spend time with yourself.
i: Listen to what you body is saying. It has a voice.
ii: Feel your organs and hear their story.
iii: Go for a hike in a deserted place.
iv: Sit in a patch of sunlight and see how that feels on your naked skin.
v: Masturbate. Give your body pleasure.
6. Ivory – Thou shalt listen when others are talking.
a. When having a conversation, listen to the words spoken to you. You
never know when there might be a diamond in there. If you are
too busy listening to the voice in your head, you will never know what
living is.
7. Orange – Thou shalt not lie.
a. Eventually people will find out
b. You hurt yourself by lying.
i. Lying comes from fear. Holding fear within eats apart your
c. You hurt others. Every word you say has an effect on somebody.
d. You are a beautiful person inside. Lying discolors who you are.
8. Brown – Thou shalt avoid drama.
a. Screaming should be primal, an expression of wonder not anger
b. Tears should be cleansing, not a cry for attention
c. If drama arises around you, diffuse the situation, do not escalate it.
9. Sage – Thou shalt hug one living being every day.
a. Touch gives life. Lets us feel not alone. If you need a hug, I will be at
Sunpie's every day for happy hour and love giving hugs.
10. Turquoise – Thou Shalt raise a glass once a week to those who passed before us.
a. Tell a funny or beautiful story about a family member, friend, lover,
or historical figure that has touched your life.Enna lay the last pen on the table, sprinkled salt on the ink and blew her words dry. She passed out until Sunday morning. She sat in the bath for a long time before pulling on her sparkly skirt. Her breasts remained free, her spirit unchained.
On the board behind the bar was written $1.00 beers during Church of Enna Rose services. Sundays 12:00 – 1:00pm. The bar was packed. Enna stood on the bar and cleared her throat and let a few of the empty spaces inside start to fill in.