Bed bugs were mentioned as early as 400BC
Aristole (philosopher and play math) claimed, bed bugs had medical in treating snake bites. Guettar(scientist) recommended bed bug use in the treatment of hysteria.
They were first mentioned in:
Germany: 11th century.
France: 13th century.
England 1583.
they were serious p
roblem during the world war second. These have been known as human parasites. They use pheromones (secreted chemical factor that triggers a social response with in the members of same species. The use of pheromones among insects has been well documented.
These show high desiccation tolerance (ability to with stand extreme dryness. They can not survive at high concentration of CO2 for very long time. They are attracted to their hosts by CO2. They try to feed every five to ten days. They have six life stages (bed bugs must molt six times before becoming fertile adults. They usually remain close to hosts, commonly near beds/couches. The eggs of them are attached to surface by sticky substance. Their control techniques requires a combination of pesticide and non pesticide approaches. Mechanical approach (vacuuming of bed bugs) recommended.
They occur in the world. Rates of infestation in developed countries increased dramatically since 1980s. The increased of bed bugs in the developed world may have been caused by:
- Increased international travel.
- Resistance to insecticides.
- Use of new pest control methods.
- More frequent use of second hand furniture.
They can be found in apartments, condos, homes, hotels, motels, dormitories, offices etc. They do not jump/fly. They do not like to be disturbed. They bites, can cause allergy. They can not easily climb metalor polished surface. Female bed bug lays about 2-4 eggs per day. They can breed year round, where temperature is between 21-28 Celsius. Bed bug like to rest in dark, undisturbed areas.
Never use, or allow any one else to use a pesticide in doors that is meant for out door use. Using the wrong pesticide or using it incorrectly to treat they can make you and your family sick and may not solve the problem.
Pest Solution Services is the Bed Bug Control company that uses IPM System to control these problems any where in your structure. Our professionals have 15 years of experience in pest control industry. We are specialized in Entomology (science of insects).In addition to that we have structural license from University of Guelph and also registered with the MOE - Ministry of Environment too. Our professionals are specialized in residential pest control business to provide high quality work at very low cost. We offer environmentally friendly solutions for your problems. We offer our services for Bed Bugs Control, Cockroaches, Rats/Mice, Ants, wasps and Bees etc.
The services we provide reflect our technology that we use. The first step which is very important in our pest control service is inspection; we proceed our services according to the basis of our inspection regarding to your problems. We never depend only on the chemical to rectify your pest problems however; we also depend on our IPM System that starts from pest inspection, identification, monitoring, action and pest evaluation. We offer our pest solution services with money back guarantee, because we care.