Crazy Depraved World
Just look at the news.
If you usually don't, it will probably just take one quick glance to emphatically agree with me.
Every single day something happens that makes my mouth drop, every single moment people are hurting others in ways that the average person cannot even fathom.
What does it take to hurt another person? How can you sleep at night knowing that others are suffering because of you? How do you live with yourself knowing that your actions may have caused irreparable, repeated damage!? And each year as we get a step closer to Yom Kippur (the Jewish Day of Atonement) I can't stop thinking that there's a part of me that's happy that the world is so darn insane...
Why? We live our whole existences understanding things in terms of contrasts.
One who never hated could never fully understand what love is.
Prosperity feels so much greater to he who has experienced adversity.
And a lit match seems so much brighter the darker the setting in which it is found.
I'm not perfect.
I make mistakes.
And through those mistakes sometimes I hurt others.
I don't mean to, but it happens.
I'm flawed.
I'm human.
I wish I was better, and hopefully someday I will be.
And I live with myself every day despite my errors, and I sleep at night despite the fact that I've caused others pain, because I can look at the world around me and see how 'not so bad' I really am.
If it were not for this crazy depraved world I live in, if murders and rapes were extremely rare as opposed to daily occurrences, and instead the average newspaper read like a laundry list of simple white lies and misunderstood, well-intentioned teasings, I might think of myself as equal (or close to equal) to the worst the world had to offer.
And as long as the world continues its twisted pattern of absolutely depraved madness, I will continue to be able to look at myself in the mirror as someone that "ain't half bad".
May we all be blessed each and every Yom Kippur, and every day of our lives, to be worlds away from the ubiquitous sickness and awful immoralities of our society, and hop a step closer to the pure and perfect clean slates we all have the potential to be.