The Benefits of Using the Sun to Power Your Home
President Barack Obama announced recently that a $2 billion commitment was being offered to two solar energy companies - Abengoa Solar and Abound Solar Manufacturing.
In return for the funds, Abengoa Solar has agreed to build one of the largest solar plants in the world in Arizona.
Abound Solar Manufacturing agreed to build two new plants in exchange for the funds, one in Colorado and one in Indiana.
Their plants are slated to produce millions of solar panels each year.
An article by Jamie Henn in the Huffington Post a few days ago even talks about getting solar panels back on the White House.
"Panels on the White House will remind every visitor to Washington that every roof in America should have solar panels for electricity and hot water on them," said McKibben.
"The President's panels will do as much good as the wonderful organic garden that the First Lady planted on the South Lawn.
" Solar technology is now leap years ahead of what was available even as little as ten years ago.
The cost of solar power kits for home use have dropped considerably in price.
Experienced solar installers can convert an entire home electrical source to solar power in as little as 2 days.
There has never been a better time than now if you are considering converting your home to solar.
The benefits and advantages for you, your family and the environment are compelling.
Using solar to power your home can reduce or completely eliminate your dependence on getting electricity from your public utility.
Installing a solar power system is a hedge against inevitable rate hikes as non-renewable sources of energy are depleted and more expensive to produce.
By converting our home to solar power you are doing your part in protecting the environment.
And installing a solar power system in your home results in a tremendous increase in your property's value.
Solar power is one of the most basic and pure renewable resources available to mankind.
More and more people are powering their homes and businesses using solar, and prices are coming down every year.
Maybe it's time that you took advantage of this amazing and free resource too - and Go Green!
In return for the funds, Abengoa Solar has agreed to build one of the largest solar plants in the world in Arizona.
Abound Solar Manufacturing agreed to build two new plants in exchange for the funds, one in Colorado and one in Indiana.
Their plants are slated to produce millions of solar panels each year.
An article by Jamie Henn in the Huffington Post a few days ago even talks about getting solar panels back on the White House.
"Panels on the White House will remind every visitor to Washington that every roof in America should have solar panels for electricity and hot water on them," said McKibben.
"The President's panels will do as much good as the wonderful organic garden that the First Lady planted on the South Lawn.
" Solar technology is now leap years ahead of what was available even as little as ten years ago.
The cost of solar power kits for home use have dropped considerably in price.
Experienced solar installers can convert an entire home electrical source to solar power in as little as 2 days.
There has never been a better time than now if you are considering converting your home to solar.
The benefits and advantages for you, your family and the environment are compelling.
Using solar to power your home can reduce or completely eliminate your dependence on getting electricity from your public utility.
Installing a solar power system is a hedge against inevitable rate hikes as non-renewable sources of energy are depleted and more expensive to produce.
By converting our home to solar power you are doing your part in protecting the environment.
And installing a solar power system in your home results in a tremendous increase in your property's value.
Solar power is one of the most basic and pure renewable resources available to mankind.
More and more people are powering their homes and businesses using solar, and prices are coming down every year.
Maybe it's time that you took advantage of this amazing and free resource too - and Go Green!