Tips Concerning Diaper Changing
Some family may choose to use disposable pampers for their babies, while some may choose the washable ones and recently a family was talking about potty training their babies from birth, therefore using neither, however, that topic is for another article.
If you will be using diapers, disposable or not, here are a few tips that may be helpful.
Wash Hands Always wash your hands before and after changing the baby, this will help to keep possible germs from transferring from your hands unto their sensitive skin.
Additionally, germs may have travelled unto your hands while changing the diaper.
Hold Baby Babies are always moving, whether voluntary or not and usually when we least expect it.
Therefore, it is a good idea to always keep a hand on them and especially when they are on a changing table.
With Girls When you are dealing with girls, wipe from the front to the back so as to prevent transferring germs from the bowel movement to the front.
Additionally, wipe only around the area and the legs.
With Boys With boys, also clean from the front to the back, but do not "peal-away" the foreskin to clean, because it can cause infections.
Do Not Wipe With Soiled One Do not use the soiled one to do any pre-cleaning, unless you are absolutely certain that there is no urine on it, because this can contribute to rashes.
Use Unscented Wipes It is better to use unscented wipes on newborns because their skin are so sensitive, they may develop rashes.
If you will be using diapers, disposable or not, here are a few tips that may be helpful.
Wash Hands Always wash your hands before and after changing the baby, this will help to keep possible germs from transferring from your hands unto their sensitive skin.
Additionally, germs may have travelled unto your hands while changing the diaper.
Hold Baby Babies are always moving, whether voluntary or not and usually when we least expect it.
Therefore, it is a good idea to always keep a hand on them and especially when they are on a changing table.
With Girls When you are dealing with girls, wipe from the front to the back so as to prevent transferring germs from the bowel movement to the front.
Additionally, wipe only around the area and the legs.
With Boys With boys, also clean from the front to the back, but do not "peal-away" the foreskin to clean, because it can cause infections.
Do Not Wipe With Soiled One Do not use the soiled one to do any pre-cleaning, unless you are absolutely certain that there is no urine on it, because this can contribute to rashes.
Use Unscented Wipes It is better to use unscented wipes on newborns because their skin are so sensitive, they may develop rashes.