Unemployment Smoke and Mirrors
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have." (Thomas Jefferson)
Based on mainstream media reports and liberal pundit commentaries, one would think that America's economy had turned a corner, that massive numbers of people were getting back to work, that the re-recession was over, that God's in His heaven and all's right in Obamaworld.
Much as all Americans would love to believe that rosy picture, it would be as accurate as believing Obama reveres the United States Constitution.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released data on Friday showing that 120,000 jobs opened up in March and that the official unemployment rate declined from 8.3% in February to 8.2% last month, the lowest rate in over three years.
That was the good economic news, deceptively good and the only good news.
In point of fact, those 120,000 jobs represented a 107,000 decrease from February's numbers and far less than the expected 205,000 and were the fewest jobs added in five months, people are leaving the workforce in droves with a record 88,000,000 now not employed at all, the Institute for Supply Management's factory index was 53.4 in March, down from a high of 59.9 in January, 2011, and Americans are working fewer hours and earning less money.
If this is a recovery, what's a recession?
CNBC's voice of reason, Rick Santelli, has long suggested the BLS is either cooking the jobs' books or that the media are misrepresenting employment figures. As Santelli said to his buddies at CNBC in his inimitable fashion in February, "We have overwhelming evidence the jobs market is disappointing, and all of you are trying to look for that one half of spaghetti in a 50 lb. spaghetti bowl. This is not great data."
Nor are the BLS Friday stats "great data."
The principal reason unemployment has fallen a whole one-tenth of one percent is that millions have given up on finding real jobs and the ranks of the "underemployed," such as college grads slapping up Big Macs, is growing exponentially. Gallup estimated that in some states, including California and Florida, the underemployed rate stood at 21% last year.
President Barack Hussein Obama has an obvious need to convince enough Americans to re-elect him in November by making it seem the economy is recovering from the Great Recession, almost two years after VP Biden declared the "summer of recovery" in 2010.
By signing the "Jobs Act" on Thursday, Obama, who has as much contempt for the intelligence of the American people as he does for the Constitution, thought he could fool us into thinking he gives a rat's ass about the unemployed.
Rather, the only issue consuming our president and his leftist cohorts is how he can win in November and fulfill their quest to turn the United States into a dependent welfare state filled with food stamp recipients who are paid with unending unemployment checks and who see their futures in government hand-outs instead of relying on their own resources, God-given abilities, hard work, and perseverance.
It's no coincidence that dependent voters are almost invariably Democrat voters.
Based on mainstream media reports and liberal pundit commentaries, one would think that America's economy had turned a corner, that massive numbers of people were getting back to work, that the re-recession was over, that God's in His heaven and all's right in Obamaworld.
Much as all Americans would love to believe that rosy picture, it would be as accurate as believing Obama reveres the United States Constitution.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released data on Friday showing that 120,000 jobs opened up in March and that the official unemployment rate declined from 8.3% in February to 8.2% last month, the lowest rate in over three years.
That was the good economic news, deceptively good and the only good news.
In point of fact, those 120,000 jobs represented a 107,000 decrease from February's numbers and far less than the expected 205,000 and were the fewest jobs added in five months, people are leaving the workforce in droves with a record 88,000,000 now not employed at all, the Institute for Supply Management's factory index was 53.4 in March, down from a high of 59.9 in January, 2011, and Americans are working fewer hours and earning less money.
If this is a recovery, what's a recession?
CNBC's voice of reason, Rick Santelli, has long suggested the BLS is either cooking the jobs' books or that the media are misrepresenting employment figures. As Santelli said to his buddies at CNBC in his inimitable fashion in February, "We have overwhelming evidence the jobs market is disappointing, and all of you are trying to look for that one half of spaghetti in a 50 lb. spaghetti bowl. This is not great data."
Nor are the BLS Friday stats "great data."
The principal reason unemployment has fallen a whole one-tenth of one percent is that millions have given up on finding real jobs and the ranks of the "underemployed," such as college grads slapping up Big Macs, is growing exponentially. Gallup estimated that in some states, including California and Florida, the underemployed rate stood at 21% last year.
President Barack Hussein Obama has an obvious need to convince enough Americans to re-elect him in November by making it seem the economy is recovering from the Great Recession, almost two years after VP Biden declared the "summer of recovery" in 2010.
By signing the "Jobs Act" on Thursday, Obama, who has as much contempt for the intelligence of the American people as he does for the Constitution, thought he could fool us into thinking he gives a rat's ass about the unemployed.
Rather, the only issue consuming our president and his leftist cohorts is how he can win in November and fulfill their quest to turn the United States into a dependent welfare state filled with food stamp recipients who are paid with unending unemployment checks and who see their futures in government hand-outs instead of relying on their own resources, God-given abilities, hard work, and perseverance.
It's no coincidence that dependent voters are almost invariably Democrat voters.