Hoodia Gordonii - A Natural Drug for Weight Loss

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Hoodia gordonii is a plant that grows in southern Africa.
It's a bit like a cactus.
The regions it grows in tend to be the wilder ones, so it's not the cheapest supplement to help you lose weight.
Hoodia has a long history of use as an appetite suppressant.
The San Bushmen, who live in the Kalahari desert, have long used it to suppress their appetite when they are out on hunting trips.
It's taken us in the western world to link the idea of an appetite suppressant to something that can be used for weight loss.
After all, if you don't feel as hungry then you won't eat as much, will you.
Simple logic, which is unusual for modern scientists! When you eat hoodia, whether it's in capsule or liquid form, your brain gets the impression that you are full.
So it's simply a matter that hoodia fools your brain into thinking that you've eaten plenty of food, even when that isn't the case.
Since hoodia is a natural appetite suppressant, it has few (if any) side effects.
Of course, you should still take the sensible precaution of checking with your doctor before starting to use hoodia on a regular basis.
But you knew that anyway, didn't you? Because hoodia can be so effective at suppressing your appetite, you will need to be careful that you eat sufficient calories to ensure that you maintain a balanced diet.
If you suspect that this is happening to you, cut down on the amount of hoodia you are taking until you adjust.
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