It Can Be A Good Thing To Have More Than One Option
Before you scoff at the idea of dating multiple women casually to better understand what kind of woman you want to be in a relationship with, think about it like this. Would you settle on a career without knowing what you really want to do for the rest of your life? Would you buy the first car that you see without test driving others and comparing them to see which one would best suit you? Probably not. So, what would you do it any other way when you are talking about the woman you want to make your girlfriend? Why would you want to settle on the first woman you come across if you don't really know if she is the right one for you?
One of the reasons that a lot of men reject the idea of dating more than one woman is because they just don't believe that they have the capability to attract multiple women. They have the mentality that they should just be grateful when a woman comes along that wants to date them. That is not the most confident way to look at things and when you start to feel confidence, I bet you are going to see that the idea of dating a couple of women at one time is actually not that bad of an idea.
I think that most guys do want to end up with one woman, but also that most guys would like to be able to see what it is like to date more than one at the same time. I also think that you are a lot more likely to end up with a woman who is right for you if you see what is out there. For the most part, as long as you are not playing games with a woman's mind, she won't be too put off if she knows that you are dating her and someone else, and that things are just casual for now. Sure, some will have a problem with this, but there are plenty that won't. Of course, you have to be willing to extend her the same opportunity. You can't tell a woman that she can only date you while you go out and play the field. That would not be fair and you can bet that it would lead to some animosity and some drama.