The Effects of Violence in Video Games
- The American Sociological Association cannot find a correlation between adults playing violent video games and subsequent violent behavior. However, the American Psychological Association notes an increase in the aggression of children who play violent video games.
- Young children are different from adults, and are still learning how to behave. They are more likely to model their behaviors on their environment, the American Sociological Association notes.
- According to the American Psychological Association, though violent video games can increase aggression in youths, parents significantly moderate the negative effects. Limiting time spent playing, discussing violent themes in media and others forms of parenting all mitigate the negative effects of violent video games..
- Video game play has skyrocketed while youth violence has plummeted, according to the American Sociological Association. Blaming games ignores more important environmental factors like poverty, instability, family violence, unemployment and mental illness.
- The world's most prominent video game violence crusader Jack Thompson was disbarred in Florida in 2008 for misconduct including false statements and disparaging remarks.
Research studies
Reasons for Aggression
Mitigating Factors
Further Factors
Fun Fact