SWTOR Tips Exposed !
Now before we begin, these are just general tips that will improve your overall game. Some of these tips you already know and some you will learn about.
The TIp List:
Alright guys so here you have a full list of tips and tricks you can use while playing SWTOR. If your looking to learn more tricks and strategies I recommend checking out http://swtorlevelguide.wordpress.com/
The TIp List:
- First step as soon as you create your character is to go into options and change the loot option so its on auto loot. This way you have a radius that your character picks up, it speeds up the proccess.
- Each loot is shown in different colors to determine how valuable it is as well as what kind of item it is. For example: dark blue = blue gear, purple = epic gear yellow = quest item.
- Skills can be reset by a skill mentor located in your fleet or capital. However, AC's can not be reset once chosen, so choose carefully.
- There is no craftable bags. The only way to expand the inventory is to buy a bank slot similar to other MMO's. The slots cost more money the more you want to unlock, so say the first one costs 10k the next one is 20k and so on.
- You can craft directly from your bank, this means you can do it while questing. There is no need to go back to the fleet.
- At level 25 you can train to use speeders, the mount costs 8k and 40k to train so in total your out 48k but you get places faster, thus means you can do more quests and earn more money in less amount of time.
- Two important abilities are Quick travel which allows you to travel to any bind point on your current planet and Emergency fleet which is unlocked at lvl 10. Emergency fleet lets you teleport back to the fleet. The only down side to Emergency fleet is that it has a 18hr cool down time, yes its pretty long.
- Simple but overlooked, stronger mobs will give you more credits for killing them.
- Doing quests and turning them in as a group will reward you more xp and award you social points for social gear.
- If your low on credits dont do crew missions.
- Need credits? Do daily space missions they give you a good amount of credits and are pretty fun
Alright guys so here you have a full list of tips and tricks you can use while playing SWTOR. If your looking to learn more tricks and strategies I recommend checking out http://swtorlevelguide.wordpress.com/