Draw Poker Games
- This staple of the kitchen table has made a resurgence lately, with some online poker sites offering the game. Each player receives five cards in his hand and can draw one time to replace some of these cards. In the most common variation of the game, players can draw up to four cards if they hold an ace in their hand--otherwise they can only replace three cards. The best hand after one draw wins the pot.
- Ace-to-Five lowball is played like Five-Card Draw except the aim is to have the lowest hand. In this lowball variation, aces count only as low and straights (five consecutive cards numerically) and flushes (all cards of the same suit) do not count against you. This was a common event at the World Series of Poker in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but Deuce-to-Seven Lowball has replaced it in popularity.
- In this lowball variation, aces, straights and flushes count against players so the best hand you can make is 7, 5, 4, 3, 2 of different suits. This game most often consists of three draws, with a round of betting after each. The game is most often played in the no-limit form. This type of betting allows players to wager any of the money in front of them during a betting round rather than a fixed amount.
- This game is played similarly to five-card draw, but also features a face-up community card that all players use. Each player receives four cards in his hand, and the dealer places a fifth card face-up in the center. Players can draw to replace any number of cards in their hand and all use the card on the board as their fifth card to complete the hand. In the "Pig in the Poke" variation, the face-up card and all cards of the same denomination are wild.
Five-Card Draw
Ace-to-Five Lowball
Deuce-to-Seven Lowball
Spit in the Ocean