What Stage 2 Breast Cancer Means?
Cancer stage is rooted in the size of the tumor, whether the cancer is invasive or non-invasive, whether lymph nodes are involved, and also whether it has extended outside the breast.
Stage 2 breast cancer denotes one of the following: cancer is no larger than 2 centimeters but has extended to the lymph nodes in the armpit (the axillary lymph nodes); it is between 2 and 5 centimeters (from 1 to 2 inches) and might have extended to the lymph nodes in the armpit; cancer is larger than 5 centimeters (larger than 2 inches) but has not extended to the lymph nodes in the armpit.
Stage 2 breast cancer is categorized into two groupings Stage 2A stands for: - The tumour is less than 2 cm, the lymph nodes beneath the arm contain cancer but are not stuck to each other and it has not extended or - The tumour is less than 5 cm, there are no cancer cells in the lymph nodes in the armpit and it has not extended or - Even though no tumour is observed in the breast, the lymph nodes beneath the arm contain cancer cells but are not stuck together, and there is no sign of extend to other parts of the body Stage 2B indicates - The tumour is less than 5 cm and the lymph nodes beneath the arm contain cancer cells but are not stuck to each other, and it has not extended or - The tumour is bigger than 5 cm across, there are no cancer cells in the lymph nodes in the armpit and it has not extended Stage 2 breast cancer has less than 50% possibility of reappearance, the smaller the tumor, the lower the probabilities of it returning.
With no nodes involved and a small tumor the rate of reappearance over 20 years is 33%.
If the tumor is larger or the cells have started to retreat from the main tumor, the percentages are closer to 44%.
With stage 2 breast cancer, the cancer is still contained inside the breast and (in a number of cases) in neighboring lymph nodes.
A lot of treatments might be of assistance.
The five-year survival rate for women with stage 2 cancer is predicted to be between 76% and 88%.
It might be higher.
This doesn't indicate that these women will simply live five years.
Doctors just assess success rates for its treatment by observing how women are doing five years subsequent to treatment.
Stage 2 breast cancer denotes one of the following: cancer is no larger than 2 centimeters but has extended to the lymph nodes in the armpit (the axillary lymph nodes); it is between 2 and 5 centimeters (from 1 to 2 inches) and might have extended to the lymph nodes in the armpit; cancer is larger than 5 centimeters (larger than 2 inches) but has not extended to the lymph nodes in the armpit.
Stage 2 breast cancer is categorized into two groupings Stage 2A stands for: - The tumour is less than 2 cm, the lymph nodes beneath the arm contain cancer but are not stuck to each other and it has not extended or - The tumour is less than 5 cm, there are no cancer cells in the lymph nodes in the armpit and it has not extended or - Even though no tumour is observed in the breast, the lymph nodes beneath the arm contain cancer cells but are not stuck together, and there is no sign of extend to other parts of the body Stage 2B indicates - The tumour is less than 5 cm and the lymph nodes beneath the arm contain cancer cells but are not stuck to each other, and it has not extended or - The tumour is bigger than 5 cm across, there are no cancer cells in the lymph nodes in the armpit and it has not extended Stage 2 breast cancer has less than 50% possibility of reappearance, the smaller the tumor, the lower the probabilities of it returning.
With no nodes involved and a small tumor the rate of reappearance over 20 years is 33%.
If the tumor is larger or the cells have started to retreat from the main tumor, the percentages are closer to 44%.
With stage 2 breast cancer, the cancer is still contained inside the breast and (in a number of cases) in neighboring lymph nodes.
A lot of treatments might be of assistance.
The five-year survival rate for women with stage 2 cancer is predicted to be between 76% and 88%.
It might be higher.
This doesn't indicate that these women will simply live five years.
Doctors just assess success rates for its treatment by observing how women are doing five years subsequent to treatment.