5 Most Popular Types of Boat
Boats come in different shapes and sizes. Some are powered by the wind; others are driven by water propulsion. Some are easy to manoeuvre; others require greater seamanship. Some are designed for work, others for fun.
Which of these five most popular boats is best for you?
1. Jet ski
Although the term jet ski is used as a common noun these days, Jet Ski was originally the brand name of the personal high-speed boats produced by the Japanese company Kawasaki. Because of these boats' popularity, the brand quickly became a household name, and all jet-powered boats of the same type have been called jet skis ever since.
Unlike other boats, which are propeller driven, jet skis expel water backward from their jet engine to move the boat forward.
Jet skis are like motorcycles on water. They are designed for one or, at the most, two riders.
2. Motorboat
A motorboat, or a speed boat, is a small water vessel capable of carrying cargo and passengers across significant distances. It is powered by a combustion engine, with propellers that move the boat forward.
These types of boats are used for races or for pulling water skiers. The larger ones are often used in patrolling coastal areas or for transporting people or cargo between islands.
3. Catamaran
Catamarans are boats with two hulls that are connected by a central mast for balance and stability. The unconventional design originated from India, where an aristocratic coastal community used the boats for fishing. It was also said that the Polynesians used an ancient catamaran design to cross the Pacific Ocean.
While the catamaran earned a lot of criticism when it was first introduced in the West, the design eventually became popular as it was favoured by ferry companies. Its ability to sail against strong waves and its large cargo capacity make it a valuable addition to any fleet.
4. Sailboat
Hull, spars, sail, and rig are what make a sailboat move across the water. Powered by the wind, these boats allowed men such as Magellan and Columbus to sail to distant lands.
Traditional sailboats rely on compass and constellations for navigation. Controlling the mast and the sails require basic training; without this, you will not be able to safely manoeuvre this boat.
The sailboat is arguably the most difficult to use among all the boats listed here, but its attraction lies in that very fact. The ability to control a sailboat creates an elite brotherhood among the special individuals who have this skill - and the allure and romance of riding the same kind of boat used by the great explorers Magellan and Columbus is just icing on the cake.
5. Yacht
Yachts are a fairly modern invention. Originally, they were used to transport royalty across bodies of water.
Nowadays, yachts still serve as a personal transport of the rich and famous - or at least one of the two. They are the ultimate status symbol - and they're fun, to boot!
All these boats have their own unique characteristics, but there's something they all have in common: they can be costly to maintain and are definitely not cheap to replace. It does not help that the ocean is one of the most hazardous places to be on Earth.
This is why, whatever boat you own, it's important that you have it protected. Yacht insurancecompanies ensure that when trouble strikes, someone would foot the bill for you, and you won't be left high and dry.
Which of these five most popular boats is best for you?
1. Jet ski
Although the term jet ski is used as a common noun these days, Jet Ski was originally the brand name of the personal high-speed boats produced by the Japanese company Kawasaki. Because of these boats' popularity, the brand quickly became a household name, and all jet-powered boats of the same type have been called jet skis ever since.
Unlike other boats, which are propeller driven, jet skis expel water backward from their jet engine to move the boat forward.
Jet skis are like motorcycles on water. They are designed for one or, at the most, two riders.
2. Motorboat
A motorboat, or a speed boat, is a small water vessel capable of carrying cargo and passengers across significant distances. It is powered by a combustion engine, with propellers that move the boat forward.
These types of boats are used for races or for pulling water skiers. The larger ones are often used in patrolling coastal areas or for transporting people or cargo between islands.
3. Catamaran
Catamarans are boats with two hulls that are connected by a central mast for balance and stability. The unconventional design originated from India, where an aristocratic coastal community used the boats for fishing. It was also said that the Polynesians used an ancient catamaran design to cross the Pacific Ocean.
While the catamaran earned a lot of criticism when it was first introduced in the West, the design eventually became popular as it was favoured by ferry companies. Its ability to sail against strong waves and its large cargo capacity make it a valuable addition to any fleet.
4. Sailboat
Hull, spars, sail, and rig are what make a sailboat move across the water. Powered by the wind, these boats allowed men such as Magellan and Columbus to sail to distant lands.
Traditional sailboats rely on compass and constellations for navigation. Controlling the mast and the sails require basic training; without this, you will not be able to safely manoeuvre this boat.
The sailboat is arguably the most difficult to use among all the boats listed here, but its attraction lies in that very fact. The ability to control a sailboat creates an elite brotherhood among the special individuals who have this skill - and the allure and romance of riding the same kind of boat used by the great explorers Magellan and Columbus is just icing on the cake.
5. Yacht
Yachts are a fairly modern invention. Originally, they were used to transport royalty across bodies of water.
Nowadays, yachts still serve as a personal transport of the rich and famous - or at least one of the two. They are the ultimate status symbol - and they're fun, to boot!
All these boats have their own unique characteristics, but there's something they all have in common: they can be costly to maintain and are definitely not cheap to replace. It does not help that the ocean is one of the most hazardous places to be on Earth.
This is why, whatever boat you own, it's important that you have it protected. Yacht insurancecompanies ensure that when trouble strikes, someone would foot the bill for you, and you won't be left high and dry.