How to Get Good at Call of Duty 4
- 1). Use cover to your advantage. The less time your enemy sees you, the less time he has to shoot at you. If you use cover effectively, you can take down an enemy before he even knows you are there.
- 2). Strafing when engaged in a firefight will go a long way toward prolonging your life. Moving targets are much harder to hit than stationary ones.
- 3). Get kill streaks. Earning kill streaks will get you abilities that will help to further turn the tides of the game in your favor.
- 4). Stay inside to avoid air strikes. A warning sounds before they hit, and that should give you ample time to get into a nearby building.
- 5). Play in groups when playing in online team modes. Groups of even two or three players offer much stronger opposition than a single player.
How to Get Good at Call of Duty 4