Kisses Were Flying In The Sky
I was looking to the fulll moon and the stars filled sky.
I was envisioning number of kisses there.
The kisses were sent by the people of the world.
They were wanting to be bound in love where ever they were.
Each was sending a kiss for another making his mind dynamic and vibrant.
All the people of the world consciously or unconsciously were sending the kisses to the sky.
They were with the hope that the kisses for whom they were sending would be perceived by the same persons for whom those were meant.
Sending the kisses they were getting in their brain,body and mind all strength.
I was thinking that some of the kisses were meant for me also.
Looking to the kisses my mind was being filled with joy and happiness.
I was imbibing the kisses meant for me remaining in absolute silence.
I was forgetting my loneliness though I was in a distant place.
The kisses were taking different colors from moment to moment.
My mind was being filled with love and grace.
I was studying the kisses with graceful eyes.
Those were touching me giving me a thrilling experience.
I was carrying the kisses with me to my work place.
Feeling the kisses in my brain,body and mind I was facing the challenges.
The kisses were vibrating me and I was advancing on the path of life with courage and confidence.
Kissing the kisses I was distributing to all joy and happiness.
I was forgetting all my worries,anxieties,sorrows,grief and tiredness.
The kisses were giving my tired mind perfect happiness.
From the kisses I was understanding the universal messages.
Going deep in to the kisses I was seeing the Lord's grace.
I was being merged in the beauties of the nature.
Through out the universe I was finding the kisses of the people of the globe.
I was being thrilled looking to the sunset.
The birds were returning to their nests with all happiness.
Even the kisses were carrying the impressions of the birds and the animals.
Understanding the deep meaning of the kisses I was praying for the things and beings of the globe.
I was giving to my beloved number of kisses after reaching home.
Children were being overwhelmed by my loving kindness.
I was moving with the kisses in the night's silence.
Reaching the persons by whom those were sent to me I was getting all strength.
With silent communications with them I was preserving in my mind those valuable kisses.
The kisses were making all my mental processes pure,subtle and concentrated.
I was dreaming the people of the globe sleeping inside the slumber of the night.
I was understanding all are bound in love deep inside.
One common thread passes through the hearts of the entire mankind.
So it is natural all are in love though on the surface they appear to be angry.
All have the qualities of the divine.
By their kisses those qualities were being manifested smoothly.
People were loving each other in their hearts of hearts to make the globe vibrant and dynamic.
No one was desiring war and every one was fond of love and peace.
Understanding the divine nature of the people of the globe I was waking up in the dawn afresh and alive.
Looking to the morning sun and merging in the beauties of the nature I was being thrilled by the kisses of the entire mankind.
Gathering courage and confidence I was meeting the challenges of life.
Resting inside the kisses I was fulfilling my hopes and dreams.
I was also sending kisses to the entire mankind.
Looking to the open sky I was forgetting my sorrows,anxieties and grief.
From the kisses I was getting the secrets of life.
Preserving the kisses meant for me in my mental institution I was being merged in peace and bliss.