How to Use TCA Skin Peel
- 1). Purchase a 10 percent to 20 percent TCA solution online or at a beauty supply outlet. Anything above 25 percent will cause serious peeling and should be performed by a licensed esthetician or doctor.
- 2). Do a patch test before application by putting a small amount of TCA on the inside of one elbow. Leave it on for a minute or more, and then neutralize and remove.
- 3). Watch the test area for 24 hours for adverse reactions. The skin may peel but should not develop open sores, allergic itching, burning or bloating.
- 4). Apply alpha hydroxy cream or doctor-prescribed Retin-A in the morning and at night for a week or more before applying the TCA solution. This will help to open your pores and allow for deeper penetration.
- 5). When you're ready to use the TCA, wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Pat it dry to remove excess moisture.
- 6). Put on gloves to protect your hands, then begin applying the TCA using a makeup brush or an applicator brush that came with the TCA kit.
- 7). Brush on the chin, forehead, cheeks and then nose, avoiding the eye area. Use an upward motion and make sure the face is coated evenly to discourage blotches.
- 8). Leave the TCA solution on the skin for a few minutes, depending on the strength of the solution and any burning that may occur.
- 9). Apply the peel neutralizer by blotting it on the skin with a cotton swab or cloth. Coat the entire TCA peel area.
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Remove the peel solutions with a gentle cleanser. Apply petroleum jelly or antibiotic ointment to the peel area to encourage healing. - 11
Wash gently and apply ointment or petroleum jelly twice daily for two weeks after the peel.