What Is It Paparazzi Photographers Actually Do?
First, let's look at what they are. The paparazzi are photographers or photojournalists who take pictures of prominent people. They tend to be independent freelancers with a connection to the media. The name paparazzi stems from Italy and originated from the 1960 film La Dolce Vita, where one of the characters was a news photographer and was called Paparazzo. They are seen as both the heroes and villains by celebrities for without their work, they would not appear in the media, but they would also live peaceful lives.
Next, let's look at what they do. They have become a stable part of the media and are seen at most major events, stalking celebrities and high figures in the public eye. There are questionable and ethical issues regarding the legitimacy of invading peoples privacy. The reason they do this is because certain pictures could land them with a vast amount of money from media organizations. Sometimes they are aiming to get snaps of major events, uncovering any wrong doing by the person they are following or things that they believe are in the public interest.
The paparazzi have a negative image in todays society. Although many will argue that they are fulfilling a public duty and their pictures allow readers to see past the airbrushed and fake celebrities we see in professional photo shoots.
Finally, let's look at the future of that paparazzi. With the growth of the internet and the increase in publications the paparazzi have increased in popularity. There have been a lot of cases over the years involving celebrities suing paparazzis for invasion of their privacy. Examples of this occur mainly at high profile weddings when the place of the event is unrevealed and pictures are prohibited. The paparazzi pursue this illicit venue, releasing the pictures, to secure a magazine deal.
The argument between what entertains the public and what is in the public interest remains. With the expansion, competition and readers interest in this type of photography it looks as if the paparazzi are here to stay.
So there you have it, everything you've ever wanted to know about the paparazzi. We've looked at what they are, what they do and what the future holds for these people who make their living taking pictures of celebrities.