Equestrian Trail Use Vs. ATV Trail Use
- Horse riders typically have more trail access in the United States than do ATV riders. Horse trails can be narrower, and horses are less environmentally destructive than ATVs. Horse trails require relatively little maintenance because horses can negotiate around many obstacles, including downed trees, unexpected washouts and steep inclines.
- ATV trails are wider and, by necessity, more intrusive than horse trails. ATV trails require more maintenance to keep in good condition; the vehicles are adaptable but not enough to climb large downed trees or wiggle through narrow gaps. ATVs are loud; even careful, courteous riders can disturb wildlife with the rumbling engines. Almost always designated specifically for ATVs, these trails are harder to locate than horse trails.
- Except in specialized ATV parks, horses are almost always allowed on ATV-designated trails. Horses can use ATV trails without issue, but ATV riders often find horse trails impassable.
Horse Trails
ATV Trails
Combined Use