Productive Article Marketing - Uncover 5 Ways to Explode Your Article Marketing
You just have to give online users what they truly need - information and you can be assured that they will flock your website in no time.
This can easily be done by writing and submitting your articles to publishing sites so you can easily share a slice of your knowledge to your potential clients.
Here are the 5 ways to explode your article marketing: 1.
Power up your titles.
When online users are looking for information over the internet, they are usually presented with numerous articles on search page result.
If you want your articles to dominate and increase their chances of being opened and read, you must give them titles that can truly grab the attention of online users.
Your titles must be able to evoke action, touch emotions, or pique the curiosity of people online so they will be moved to check on your content.
You need to make your articles search engine-friendly so they will fare well on relevant searches.
You can easily do this by identifying the most searched keywords within your target niche through the use of a reliable keyword suggestion tool.
Then, incorporate the top performing keywords on your articles especially on your titles so you can better connect with your potential clients.
Offer your articles for free.
If you want to obtain quality inbound links from established websites, you can offer them the exclusive use of some of your articles or be their guest writer.
As these sites would normally have heavy traffic, you have great chances of driving their online visitors to your website and easily increase your page views.
Connect with your readers.
The first step that you need to take in order to make your readers like you is to build rapport with them.
Write your articles using conversational tone, show empathy when needed, strive to sound warm and friendly, and create a compelling author's bio to give your readers a chance to get to know you more on a personal level.
Promote your products and services.
Although blatant advertising is a no-no in article marketing, you can still create a need for your products by discussing the ways on how they can help your potential clients and by highlighting their benefits and features.
For instance, if you are selling home security system, you can talk about how your products can keep their properties and their families safe.