Dani Johnson - One Of Her Ideas Could Turn Your Business Into Overdrive
Dani Johnson is very likely the most widely-known female MLM Success trainer in this flourishing industry. Dani is constantly portrayed in main-stream media and has been widely successful at carving out a niche for herself amongst affluent Christians.
Her tone and demeanor may not be accepted by everyone (have you ever seen her on video?), bit she did drop a single idea on one of her calls that has radically bolstered my income, while saving me ludicrous amounts of time on the phone.
In a nutshell: if you know how to market well, your phone will ring off the hook. You may nee a personal assistant soon.
Here is the essence of what Dani Johnson said, "When you have someone call you, and they sound eager, but they state that they have a bunch of questions. Before they launch into all their questions, you ask them this, 'Prospect, if I answer these questions and you like what you hear, are you ready to get started today?"
Fantastic. Brilliant. A closer's dream.
So on my team we have taken this "verbage" and tweaked it a bit, and this is the outcome: "Prospect, it seems like you have done a lot of research, what are two or three questions, that I can answer for you before you get started today"?
This takes the prospects mind of asking and makes him focus on joining. Mind you, as you start to play hard-ball (asking for a decision "today"), your voice-inflection must be soft and nonthreatening. But don't wuss out on the word "today". Today is what this is all about, collecting a decision is what this is all about. If you forget to ask for a decision, what is going to happen? He's going to want to think about it (a closer's nightmare). So inquire about the ability to make an informed decision before getting tangled up in all the prospect`s questions.
If you want to take quantum leaps forward in your home business, create a business culture that gets to the point...fast. You want to create an environment that make it easy and fast as possible for people to launch their new business. Dani Johnson's tight question, "If I answer these questions and you like what you hear, are you ready to get started today?" is pure gold.
Her tone and demeanor may not be accepted by everyone (have you ever seen her on video?), bit she did drop a single idea on one of her calls that has radically bolstered my income, while saving me ludicrous amounts of time on the phone.
In a nutshell: if you know how to market well, your phone will ring off the hook. You may nee a personal assistant soon.
Here is the essence of what Dani Johnson said, "When you have someone call you, and they sound eager, but they state that they have a bunch of questions. Before they launch into all their questions, you ask them this, 'Prospect, if I answer these questions and you like what you hear, are you ready to get started today?"
Fantastic. Brilliant. A closer's dream.
So on my team we have taken this "verbage" and tweaked it a bit, and this is the outcome: "Prospect, it seems like you have done a lot of research, what are two or three questions, that I can answer for you before you get started today"?
This takes the prospects mind of asking and makes him focus on joining. Mind you, as you start to play hard-ball (asking for a decision "today"), your voice-inflection must be soft and nonthreatening. But don't wuss out on the word "today". Today is what this is all about, collecting a decision is what this is all about. If you forget to ask for a decision, what is going to happen? He's going to want to think about it (a closer's nightmare). So inquire about the ability to make an informed decision before getting tangled up in all the prospect`s questions.
If you want to take quantum leaps forward in your home business, create a business culture that gets to the point...fast. You want to create an environment that make it easy and fast as possible for people to launch their new business. Dani Johnson's tight question, "If I answer these questions and you like what you hear, are you ready to get started today?" is pure gold.