Treating Hemorrhoids - 7 Key Questions and Answers
What are hemorrhoids? Before focusing on treating hemorrhoids, we have to be able to understand what they are.
Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the rectum.
These veins are located in the lowest area of the rectum.
There are two different types of hemorrhoids, internal and external.
Both if inflamed you would be able to see and feel them on the outside.
They can and will cause an extreme amount of pain.
What is an internal hemorrhoid? With internal hemorrhoids you are unable to see or feel them.
They don't hurt as much because there are few pain nerves within.
Bleeding is a huge sign that there is a problem.
When then start to protrude you will be able to see and feel them.
They look like pink, wet pads of skin.
What is an external hemorrhoid? External hemorrhoids lie within your rectum.
They are more painful then the internal ones.
External hemorrhoids come around usually during a forceful stool.
A person would be able to see and feel external ones also.
During a process called thrombosis they can turn purple and black and become very painful.
What are some of the causes? Doctors and specialist are not to certain on many of the causes.
Usually when someone has hemorrhoids they have weak veins within their rectum.
Other things that may cause them are extreme abdomen pressure, pressure caused by obesity, pregnancy and physical labor.
Your diet has a lot to do with it also.
If your diet consists of high fiber it can cause constipation which is the highest causes of hemorrhoids.
Alright, so how can I treat hemorrhoids? There are many types of treatments, non surgical and surgical.
A non surgical treatment tries to reduce the blood supply to the hemorrhoid.
You can take some supplements, use different topical solutions and make some changes to your diet.
If none of that works you may want to look into changing you bowel habits.
Sometimes hemorrhoids can become large and because of this there will be more pain, you may need surgery.
Is it best to choose non surgical treatment? No surgical treatment is usually for people age 70 and older or someone in poor health.
It also depends on how extreme your case is.
Cases may vary.
It is recommended for small hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids that stick out and return to normal can be cured with non surgical treatment.
Usually topical solutions and supplements work well.
Make some changes to your diet for a while for example cut down on fiber.
If your stool is more of constipation try changing around your bowel habits.
Use laxatives or something that may soften your stool.
Do I need surgery? As always with surgery it will most likely get rid of the problem once and for all.
You get better long term results but it could be hurtful to your pocket.
These procedures are very expansive as with any surgery.
The recovery times may be longer and more painful.
Complications can always arise with surgery.
Check to make sure you are one of those extreme cases before going into surgery.
In the end: Treating hemorrhoids is more then recommended it should be required.
They hurt, uncomfortable and causes more damage if not treated.
If you're suffering from hemorrhoids look into different types of treatment before treating yourself, but get treatment fast.
Who wants to be in so much pain?
Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the rectum.
These veins are located in the lowest area of the rectum.
There are two different types of hemorrhoids, internal and external.
Both if inflamed you would be able to see and feel them on the outside.
They can and will cause an extreme amount of pain.
What is an internal hemorrhoid? With internal hemorrhoids you are unable to see or feel them.
They don't hurt as much because there are few pain nerves within.
Bleeding is a huge sign that there is a problem.
When then start to protrude you will be able to see and feel them.
They look like pink, wet pads of skin.
What is an external hemorrhoid? External hemorrhoids lie within your rectum.
They are more painful then the internal ones.
External hemorrhoids come around usually during a forceful stool.
A person would be able to see and feel external ones also.
During a process called thrombosis they can turn purple and black and become very painful.
What are some of the causes? Doctors and specialist are not to certain on many of the causes.
Usually when someone has hemorrhoids they have weak veins within their rectum.
Other things that may cause them are extreme abdomen pressure, pressure caused by obesity, pregnancy and physical labor.
Your diet has a lot to do with it also.
If your diet consists of high fiber it can cause constipation which is the highest causes of hemorrhoids.
Alright, so how can I treat hemorrhoids? There are many types of treatments, non surgical and surgical.
A non surgical treatment tries to reduce the blood supply to the hemorrhoid.
You can take some supplements, use different topical solutions and make some changes to your diet.
If none of that works you may want to look into changing you bowel habits.
Sometimes hemorrhoids can become large and because of this there will be more pain, you may need surgery.
Is it best to choose non surgical treatment? No surgical treatment is usually for people age 70 and older or someone in poor health.
It also depends on how extreme your case is.
Cases may vary.
It is recommended for small hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids that stick out and return to normal can be cured with non surgical treatment.
Usually topical solutions and supplements work well.
Make some changes to your diet for a while for example cut down on fiber.
If your stool is more of constipation try changing around your bowel habits.
Use laxatives or something that may soften your stool.
Do I need surgery? As always with surgery it will most likely get rid of the problem once and for all.
You get better long term results but it could be hurtful to your pocket.
These procedures are very expansive as with any surgery.
The recovery times may be longer and more painful.
Complications can always arise with surgery.
Check to make sure you are one of those extreme cases before going into surgery.
In the end: Treating hemorrhoids is more then recommended it should be required.
They hurt, uncomfortable and causes more damage if not treated.
If you're suffering from hemorrhoids look into different types of treatment before treating yourself, but get treatment fast.
Who wants to be in so much pain?