Federal Carrier Safety Administration was established in Jan1, 2000 to systematically regulate the trucking industry of the United States. It looks after the safety of commercial motor vehicles and truck drivers. This initiative came into implementation on midst of November during routine enforcement activities. They began conducting random verifications by medical examiners. The main motive of this medical certification is to ensure that the medical exam was conducted already and the information's given out in the card is true.
The agency continuously stressed in an alert that was sent to the industry stakeholders that the verification was not conducted to evaluate the driver's medical fitness. This medical analysis counts certain tests that helps to make sure that the driver doesn't have such problems, which is no safer to drive through.
The conditions to disqualify a driver are listed out here. If he/she is suffering from
€ Diabetes or Epilepsy
€ Hypertension
€ Heart disease
€ Loss of limb or limb repairmen
€ Rheumatic
€ Arthritic
€ Orthopedic
€ Muscular, neuromuscular or vascular diseases
€ Respiratory dysfunction
€ Drug use or alcoholism
€ Visual or hearing loss
€ Mental disorders
This roadside enforcement is directed to contact the medical examiner's office or through the telephone to explain the purpose of call. Those officers are intended to inform the doctor's office to compare the documents given by the driver with the records assessed by the medical examiner. The report contains some of the personal information of the drivers on the top of it. It includes
€ Driver's name
€ Driver's address
€ Date of Birth/Age
€ Driver's license number
€ Social security Number
Officers cannot contact the medical examiner directly and an authorized staff member may provide the requested information's. The medical examiner may ask for certain details as follows.
€ Driver's name
€ Date of Birth
€ The date of Issuance of medical certification
€ Any restrictions indicated on the card
€ Verbal confirmation of the information provided
This is an attempt to crack down the legit use of medical certificates.