A List of Heart Failure Resources
A List of Heart Failure Resources
This listing is provided for your reference and is not a complete list of available resources.
Heart Failure Society of America, Inc.
6707 Democracy Blvd., Suite 925
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 888-213-4417
Edema Overview
Edema is the medical term for swelling. It is a general response of the body to injury or inflammation. Edema can be isolated to a small area or affect the entire body. Medications, infections, pregnancy, and many medical problems can cause edema.Edema results whenever small blood vessels become "leaky" and release fluid into nearby tissues. The extra fluid accumulates, causing the tissue to swell.
Read the Edema Overview article > >
American Heart Association
7272 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: 800-AHA-USA1 (800-242-8721)
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
P.O. Box 30105
Bethesda. MD 20824-0105
Phone: (301) 592-8573
The Cleveland Clinic Heart Center
Heart Failure Society of America, Inc.
6707 Democracy Blvd., Suite 925
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 888-213-4417
Recommended Related to Heart Failure
Edema Overview
Edema is the medical term for swelling. It is a general response of the body to injury or inflammation. Edema can be isolated to a small area or affect the entire body. Medications, infections, pregnancy, and many medical problems can cause edema.Edema results whenever small blood vessels become "leaky" and release fluid into nearby tissues. The extra fluid accumulates, causing the tissue to swell.
Read the Edema Overview article > >
American Heart Association
7272 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75231
Phone: 800-AHA-USA1 (800-242-8721)
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
P.O. Box 30105
Bethesda. MD 20824-0105
Phone: (301) 592-8573
The Cleveland Clinic Heart Center