How to Make an Extra 900 to 1,800 Gold Per Day in WotLK
Since the release of the Wrath of The Lich King there have been a lot of really new ways open up to make gold.
They aren't just the simple grinding for this or that.
Or the ever popular buy low and sell high styles of Burning Crusade.
There are a couple of ways to accomplish this, the first is if you have an 80, the second is something that can be accomplished by players of any level.
What you are going to be doing is selling epic gems.
You can make extra gold if you a Jewelcrafter, but assuming you're not, read on.
If you have an 80 and a lot of extra Honor Points or Badges, you can simply turn it in for epic gems and sell them on the Auction House.
Assuming you don't have an 80, or you need your Honor Points and Badges to get better gear, watch how easy it is to get other people to buy them using their Honor Points or Badges! Simply go into trade chat and make an announcement that you WTB Honor in large portions 10k/20k or more for 1s each.
You'll get plenty of people whispering you asking you how you plan on doing it.
Simply reply to them that all they need to do is meet you at the gem vendor, exchange their Honor for the gem of your choice, and you'll pay them 1s for every point they spend.
When they come to the vendor have them buy Dreadstone, on every server that I've seen it sells for the highest amount, and can be made into some really nice cuts.
You can also advertise that you're buying Badges, but for 5g each.
Both of these ways will get you the epic gem for 100g, and it can be sold on the Auction House for any where from 150 to 190 gold, depending on your servers economy.
I recommend using this system two or three times per week so that you don't flood the market with too many of your epic gems, and spend a little time working your other methods.
Don't spend too much time worrying about gold though.
Just implement a few simple techniques and let the gold flow in.
They aren't just the simple grinding for this or that.
Or the ever popular buy low and sell high styles of Burning Crusade.
There are a couple of ways to accomplish this, the first is if you have an 80, the second is something that can be accomplished by players of any level.
What you are going to be doing is selling epic gems.
You can make extra gold if you a Jewelcrafter, but assuming you're not, read on.
If you have an 80 and a lot of extra Honor Points or Badges, you can simply turn it in for epic gems and sell them on the Auction House.
Assuming you don't have an 80, or you need your Honor Points and Badges to get better gear, watch how easy it is to get other people to buy them using their Honor Points or Badges! Simply go into trade chat and make an announcement that you WTB Honor in large portions 10k/20k or more for 1s each.
You'll get plenty of people whispering you asking you how you plan on doing it.
Simply reply to them that all they need to do is meet you at the gem vendor, exchange their Honor for the gem of your choice, and you'll pay them 1s for every point they spend.
When they come to the vendor have them buy Dreadstone, on every server that I've seen it sells for the highest amount, and can be made into some really nice cuts.
You can also advertise that you're buying Badges, but for 5g each.
Both of these ways will get you the epic gem for 100g, and it can be sold on the Auction House for any where from 150 to 190 gold, depending on your servers economy.
I recommend using this system two or three times per week so that you don't flood the market with too many of your epic gems, and spend a little time working your other methods.
Don't spend too much time worrying about gold though.
Just implement a few simple techniques and let the gold flow in.