Staying Ahead of Your Credit Cards

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Many people have trouble managing their credit cards and as a result have a bad credit history and score. If you use your credit cards wisely, they can work for you and help you obtain a better credit rating, leading to a more financially secure lifestyle. To keep your credit score high, you must also keep the credit active as well as following a few simple guidelines.

Credit expert Jenny Morgan from the company ACCION says that to keep your credit in check, you should always read the small print on about the conditions on the card. There may be a catch where you feel you are getting a great deal until the terms change after your probationary period. So be aware.

You should always pay on time too and try to pay more than just the minimum, over time you may end up paying thousands more than you needed to, simply because you only paid the minimum required amount each month. This will lower your credit score also.

If you have too many cards, you will be seen by credit companies as a risk so manage the ones you can handle and try to stay below 50% below your credit limit. Ideally no more than 30% but remember, if you max out your credit card, your score will drop dramatically. Five active credit cards at one time is generally the limit you should try to stick to.

You should also compare credit card and look at things like interest, benefits, transfer fees and annual fees. You can do this by visiting the website;

One more piece of advice that Jenny Morgan gives is that you should never treat credit cards as a long term option for financing credit. When you make your purchase, always make sure that the item you have purchased can be paid for in less than a year. If you don't follow these guidelines, you may find yourself in a financial situation, far from ideal. So, follow these simple tips and enjoy a debt free life.
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