How Property Management Companies Work
With the recent debacle in the housing market many investors now find themselves landlords and in desperate need of a property management company.
A property management company can be the perfect solution for those that never intended on being a landlord and have no clue on what it takes to manage a property, or it can be for the savviest landlord who just wishes to keep his distance from his tenant.
In either case it is important to know exactly how a property management company works.
A property management company acts as a liaison between the landlord and the tenant.
This can hold true for commercial property, such as strip malls, housing developments, such as apartments or condominiums, or even individual houses.
As the name implies, the property management company is responsible for managing the property on behalf of the landlord.
The duties of the management company include: o Advertising and showing vacant property.
o Negotiating the lease of the property.
o Accepting rent.
o Responding to and handling tenant's maintenance issues.
o Keep the tenant apprised of any changes in an upcoming lease.
o Keeping landlord apprised of any issues arising from tenant.
o Making sure general maintenance is being done to the property, such as lawn mowing and landscaping.
o Aiding landlord in rules and regulations involving issues such as eviction.
As a general rule of thumb, most states require property management companies to be licensed real estate brokers if they are to advertise property and accept rent.
Most states have a process to check for such license to ensure ethical work is being conducted.
Is a property management company right for you? Having a management company can be of great value for those that own property but do not wish to deal with the hassles that come with being a landlord.
They are also a great comfort to have for landlords that lives in a different state than where their property is.
When looking into a property management company there a few things to consider.
How much they charge is always the first question asked.
But more important is how long have they been in the business of managing property? You want to be sure to find a company that has many years of experience as they will undoubtedly have the know-how and experience to manage a property thoroughly and will be well versed in the rules and regulations that go along with managing property.
You also need to consider the contract you sign with the company.
Make sure they give an out if you are not happy with their services.
Otherwise you could be stuck for some time with a company managing your property that you are not pleased with.
The only way to get these questions answered is to ask.
You can also talk to others who have employed a property manager and get their feedback.
Whether you are a landlord by accident or by choice you just might not want to deal with the tenants.
Finding a good property management company is vital if you want quality tenants to occupy your property and now that you know how property management companies work, you can go out and confidently shop for one that will fit your specific needs.
A property management company can be the perfect solution for those that never intended on being a landlord and have no clue on what it takes to manage a property, or it can be for the savviest landlord who just wishes to keep his distance from his tenant.
In either case it is important to know exactly how a property management company works.
A property management company acts as a liaison between the landlord and the tenant.
This can hold true for commercial property, such as strip malls, housing developments, such as apartments or condominiums, or even individual houses.
As the name implies, the property management company is responsible for managing the property on behalf of the landlord.
The duties of the management company include: o Advertising and showing vacant property.
o Negotiating the lease of the property.
o Accepting rent.
o Responding to and handling tenant's maintenance issues.
o Keep the tenant apprised of any changes in an upcoming lease.
o Keeping landlord apprised of any issues arising from tenant.
o Making sure general maintenance is being done to the property, such as lawn mowing and landscaping.
o Aiding landlord in rules and regulations involving issues such as eviction.
As a general rule of thumb, most states require property management companies to be licensed real estate brokers if they are to advertise property and accept rent.
Most states have a process to check for such license to ensure ethical work is being conducted.
Is a property management company right for you? Having a management company can be of great value for those that own property but do not wish to deal with the hassles that come with being a landlord.
They are also a great comfort to have for landlords that lives in a different state than where their property is.
When looking into a property management company there a few things to consider.
How much they charge is always the first question asked.
But more important is how long have they been in the business of managing property? You want to be sure to find a company that has many years of experience as they will undoubtedly have the know-how and experience to manage a property thoroughly and will be well versed in the rules and regulations that go along with managing property.
You also need to consider the contract you sign with the company.
Make sure they give an out if you are not happy with their services.
Otherwise you could be stuck for some time with a company managing your property that you are not pleased with.
The only way to get these questions answered is to ask.
You can also talk to others who have employed a property manager and get their feedback.
Whether you are a landlord by accident or by choice you just might not want to deal with the tenants.
Finding a good property management company is vital if you want quality tenants to occupy your property and now that you know how property management companies work, you can go out and confidently shop for one that will fit your specific needs.