The Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer - Self, Clinical Testing
Breast cancer is the second cause of death in women western world and the growing incidence of stable.
Worldwide 400,000 women die each year this apA disease.
About 250,000 cases diagnosed each year in Europe and 175,000 in the U.
In Greece, more than 4500 women are being infected each year from breast cancer.
Epidemiological data indicate that one in eight women will suffer from cancer breast cancer in their lifetime.
Breast cancer occurs when cells of the body lose control of the proliferation and divided uncontrolled.
The factors responsible for its occurrence is the age and with increasing age so and increases the probability of risk, family history, early emminarchi, delaying the menopause, the hormone replacement in menopausal women for at least 5 years, ateknia, the first pregnancy after age 30, obesity, smoking, frequent use of alcohol.
A large percentage of tumors are benign and can be removed promptly, without any complication.
The malignant tumors develop such mechanisms if not tackled in time filters and their surrounding tissues and cause metastases other organs.
The cytological and histological examination of the sample volume obtained by puncture will help us in The volume can easily be detected by regular palpation of the breast by itself woman, once a month to the top emminou of the cycle.
In the process the woman should be careful about changes in the size, shape, texture breast and less bloody if there is a secretion from the nipple.
From the age of 40 are required clinical examination and mammography screening.
The clinical examination is needed because there are cases of cancer (8-12%) that have not been reflected in mammography.
The mammogram is nothing but a special breast X-ray which can show very small tumors and early detection method for this is the only one that can be applied to large groups of the population under control.
This is because breast cancer presents some special features compared with other forms of cancer as woman lost part of her body, which symbolizes the most important aspects of existence, maternity and erotic elements.
Because even breast cancer is most common in middle age at which the climacteric; menopause, this combination has a negative impact on the perception of femininity and attractiveness of women.
Worldwide 400,000 women die each year this apA disease.
About 250,000 cases diagnosed each year in Europe and 175,000 in the U.
In Greece, more than 4500 women are being infected each year from breast cancer.
Epidemiological data indicate that one in eight women will suffer from cancer breast cancer in their lifetime.
Breast cancer occurs when cells of the body lose control of the proliferation and divided uncontrolled.
The factors responsible for its occurrence is the age and with increasing age so and increases the probability of risk, family history, early emminarchi, delaying the menopause, the hormone replacement in menopausal women for at least 5 years, ateknia, the first pregnancy after age 30, obesity, smoking, frequent use of alcohol.
A large percentage of tumors are benign and can be removed promptly, without any complication.
The malignant tumors develop such mechanisms if not tackled in time filters and their surrounding tissues and cause metastases other organs.
The cytological and histological examination of the sample volume obtained by puncture will help us in The volume can easily be detected by regular palpation of the breast by itself woman, once a month to the top emminou of the cycle.
In the process the woman should be careful about changes in the size, shape, texture breast and less bloody if there is a secretion from the nipple.
From the age of 40 are required clinical examination and mammography screening.
The clinical examination is needed because there are cases of cancer (8-12%) that have not been reflected in mammography.
The mammogram is nothing but a special breast X-ray which can show very small tumors and early detection method for this is the only one that can be applied to large groups of the population under control.
This is because breast cancer presents some special features compared with other forms of cancer as woman lost part of her body, which symbolizes the most important aspects of existence, maternity and erotic elements.
Because even breast cancer is most common in middle age at which the climacteric; menopause, this combination has a negative impact on the perception of femininity and attractiveness of women.