How to Maintain Your Ideal Weight Loss
After a long and rigorous process of adhering to a weight-loss program, you have finally achieved your ideal number of pounds.
You're happier and healthier than anything you've felt before.
And now that your efforts have paid off, you can wear your favorite pair of jeans again.
However, that doesn't mean that the battle of the bulge has been won.
According to studies, a person's effort to lose weight fails within a couple of years after accomplishing it.
The tendency of people to slip right back to their unhealthy lifestyle when they have reached their fitness goal is so high that excess pounds start to appear back on the scale - sometimes even double than it used to be.
Here's what to do: marshal your forces and follow this guide in changing your behavior towards dieting and exercise so you won't go back to square one defeated.
Watch what you eat This is not to deprive you of that slice of pizza or that bag of chips every now and then.
However, you might want to limit such treats just occasionally and try not to use food as a reward for doing a job well done.
Instead, make an effort to insert more vegetables and fruits into your diet as well as keeping yourself hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily.
Be active! Engaging in a lifestyle that is active can lower your risk of chronic diseases brought about by being overweight.
So match the extra calories you take in with physical activities that will burn it.
20 minutes of intense aerobic drill thrice a week will do the trick.
Monitor your weight Whatever you do, here will always be factors that will affect your eating habits, physical activities and overall health.
By monitoring your weight regularly, you will be able to track even the slightest weight gains so you can make necessary adjustments.
You're happier and healthier than anything you've felt before.
And now that your efforts have paid off, you can wear your favorite pair of jeans again.
However, that doesn't mean that the battle of the bulge has been won.
According to studies, a person's effort to lose weight fails within a couple of years after accomplishing it.
The tendency of people to slip right back to their unhealthy lifestyle when they have reached their fitness goal is so high that excess pounds start to appear back on the scale - sometimes even double than it used to be.
Here's what to do: marshal your forces and follow this guide in changing your behavior towards dieting and exercise so you won't go back to square one defeated.
Watch what you eat This is not to deprive you of that slice of pizza or that bag of chips every now and then.
However, you might want to limit such treats just occasionally and try not to use food as a reward for doing a job well done.
Instead, make an effort to insert more vegetables and fruits into your diet as well as keeping yourself hydrated by drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily.
Be active! Engaging in a lifestyle that is active can lower your risk of chronic diseases brought about by being overweight.
So match the extra calories you take in with physical activities that will burn it.
20 minutes of intense aerobic drill thrice a week will do the trick.
Monitor your weight Whatever you do, here will always be factors that will affect your eating habits, physical activities and overall health.
By monitoring your weight regularly, you will be able to track even the slightest weight gains so you can make necessary adjustments.