How To Get Rid Of Those Cracked Heels
Do you have SUPER dry skin on your feet and heels? This is a sign of cracked heels. Do you have a thick callus around the edge of your heel? You might have cracked heels. Are there painful cracks in the callus around your heel? If so, you probably have cracked heels. You may be wondering what cracked heels are, why you have cracked heels, and what you can do about cracked heels. Well, I'm going to save you time and trouble and let you know what I have found out about cracked heels through personal experience and research. I will also give you tips on how to get rid of those cracked heels and hopefully prevent them from bothering you again.
You know those sandals you love...
Those favorite sandals of yours could be contributing to your cracked heels. Unfortunately, wearing open-back shoes can dry your feet out and lead to cracked heels. Here are a few things that contribute to cracked heels:
- Wearing open-back shoes such as sandals
- Having diabetes
- Being overweight (too much pressure on your feet)
- Prolonged standing on your feet leads to cracked heels
- Not moisturizing your feet daily
- Taking extremely hot showers or baths
- Having a dry skin condition, such as ezcema or psoriasis
How do cracked heels happen?
Imagine a tomato on a counter. Now imagine pushing the palm of your hand down on the tomato. When you push hard enough, it starts to pop and crack, right? This is exactly what happens with your feet. When you have extremely dry skin on your feet, and your foot has pressure from standing, your heels crack. Sounds painful, doesn't it? Cracked heels ARE very painful! Especially if the cracks get deeper and wider.
What can I do about my painful cracked heels?
There are a few things that I found particularly helpful in treating cracked heels and helping my feet recover. If you follow these steps, it should relieve your pain and heal your feet.
- Apply an oil-based moisturizing cream twice a day to get on top of your cracked heels
- Remove the thick callus on the bottom of your feet by using a pumice stone EVERY TIME in the shower or bath
(this is very important, as the cracked heels can't heal until the callus is removed)
- Wear closed shoes as much as possible
- Wear socks to bed that lock in moisture
- Don't take extremely hot showers or baths
- Try to avoid prolonged standing on your feet
If your cracked heels get worse, see a doctor!
If these remedies don't help your cracked heels, then by all means go see a dr. A doctor can diagnose and treat your cracked heels with prescription creams, and give advice to help your cracked heels. Sometimes the dr will even strap your cracks together so they can heal.
Take care of your cracked heels and you'll be walking pain-free again in no time!