How to Teach Kids King David From the Bible
- 1). Highlight the fact that David chose not to wear armor in battle against Goliath. Ask children about their own experiences playing competitive sports, and required protective gear.
- 2). Inquire about their comfort level engaging in competition without protective gear as a way to emphasize David's bravery and trust in God.
- 3). Avoid encouraging children to engage in risky behavior, but lead a discussion about how trusting God can give them sufficient courage to achieve difficult goals.
- 4). Relate David's lack of armor in battle against the Philistine giant to having confidence in natural, God-given abilities.Explain to the kids that David triumphed against Goliath with nothing more than his courage and sling shot.
- 5). Give the children with pen and paper, and ask them to list at least five of their own unique attributes and talents. Lead the children in a group discussion of their natural abilities and how they will serve as spiritual armor in future careers and endeavors.
- 6). Lead the kids in enjoyable craft activities that illustrate realities of the David and Goliath story. Using butcher paper, cut a piece of paper to the length of 9 feet to demonstrate Goliath's height. Trace a volunteer child's outline on the paper to clearly highlight the size disparity between David and Goliath. Provide the children with markers and crayons to fill in the outline.
- 7). Serve doughnut holes in paper bags as a snack, due to the resemblance to rocks in a sling shot.