Infant Photography Tips
- Infants are generally easy to entertain, and simple games such as peek-a -boo are effective in creating a fun photo session for the baby. Letting him or her play with toys such as stuffed animals and favorite dolls also creates a playful environment. Because babies are spontaneous, you should set your camera to capture continuous images or image bursts (several at a time). This will allow you to capture the unexpected moments that make the best photographs.
- Pay attention to everything in the shot---even if you are only focusing on the baby. Use background props that add to the moment that you are trying to capture. Duchemin suggests you should " get close and wide and capture their face with something in the background that reveals something of their world" such as a toy truck or a favorite doll.
- Be imaginative with camera angles that you use. Don't just shoot the infant from above; get down to the infant's level. According to Duchemin, "Shooting from ground level while they are on the ground gives you an insight into how they see the world."
- Whenever possible, use natural light. If you are outdoors, watch out for direct sunlight on the baby; sometimes using a flash as a filler will even out the lighting in the photo. If you are indoors, place the infant in an area with a lot of natural light, such as near a window or glass door. If enough natural light is available, forego using your flash, as it can create harsh shadows. Additionally, babies may begin to anticipate the flash, and it will become evident in facial expressions. Duchemin suggests using a diffuser if you must use flash.