Increase Computer Speed And Keep Your Computer Privacy

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Increase Computer Speed And Keep Your Computer Privacy

When you delete files on your computer, emails, or even pieces of internet history, where do you think they go? Unfortunately, they do not just disappear and become lost forever like most people would think and pray. Every time a person sits and uses their computer, they leave little footprints that can be tracked back to every single thing that they've done. Every little word and character typed, every single user name and password they saved, and worse, every single email that was deleted, even adult websites visited, are usually being saved and backed up somewhere on the computer.

To make matters worse, the little footprints eat up valuable hard-drive space. Every file that is created will begin to slow down your computer, causing more and more crashes and those strenuously long boot-up times. Finding and removing these footprints becomes practically and virtually impossible if you don't know what ho and what to do. Software programs know how to find such items without breaking a sweat.

With virtually little or no technological knowledge of what you do on your computer, or what it is you've deleted, a person could download and use a program that retrieve emails and files that you thought were deleted many moons ago. These types of software programs are a dime a dozen, and worse, you really never know who could be lurking through your computer trying to find this stuff. People like your girlfriend, your parents, your spouse, boss, roommate, or just a friend could be searching through everything you've ever done on your computer; that's truly frightening. It's naive to think that something like this could never happen to you. Have you ever looked innocently in a persons medicine cabinet or vanity? Has a person you know ever sat at your computer to surf for something online. There is enough time to access your private history on your computer while you're in the shower, getting dressed, or talking on the phone.

Privacy problems and the trails you leave with these footprints are truly legit. Legal action has been taken against many people that haven't properly cleaned files from their computer. Anywhere from lawsuits, divorce, work related issues and disputes. Everyone needs to be sure that their computers are being taken care of properly. Many spouses have found incriminating files and data that their other-half failed to remove properly. As a result the divorce files have been drawn up on something blown out of proportion. Good marriages end like this every single day.

One of the places such files store themselves is known as the Windows Registry. Users can open access this area through the run dialogue and entering the command REGEDIT. However, it is highly recommended that you do not touch access this area unless you are 100% sure you know what you're doing. Only professionals should even think of running the command. Many computer users have caused severe damage and completely destroyed their computers by messing with their Windows Registry.

Ok, Joe, now that you've opened my eyes to this frightening dilemma... "What can I do?" There is an awesome report that can be downloaded free. It's called Your Computer Privacy Is At Risk. The report explains, in full details, what your little footprints are saying about you. More importantly it reveals ways to completely remove them, the common problems they cause, and the possible legal action you face if you fail to get rid of them. Let's face it; EVERYONE needs to find a way to keep their computer secure.

Privacy Controllers are software programs that are designed to locate all these small footprints in the smallest crevasses of the computer and clean them out. Literally like a "Search-N-Destroy Mission." The real problem is that many of these types of programs available, really don't work. Most of them use fake numbers and say that you have a ton of registry issues in an effort to scare the user into buying the software. As you can imagine this is an extremely effective weapon in the scammer's arsenal. Fear is a powerful thing.

If you could care less if anyone is viewing your private information that you thought was deleted, then don't read the free report. However, if you don't like the idea of people (who you may not even know) accessing all your personal emails, files, photos, and documents that you thought were deleted, then you should download the report, and at the very least, educate yourself on this subject. If you really want to keep a standard of privacy, you owe it to yourself to at least view the report and give it some thought; after all you can't beat free.

To educate yourself and learn more about your computer privacy, look at the free Privacy Control report.
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