Cancer Cause #1 - Misplaced Trust

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There is only one thing that can possibly account for the vast number of cancer deaths in America (over 5 million in just the past decade alone): TRUST.
All those who died from this agonizing modern plague had one major thing in common.
They all had misplaced trust in an untrustworthy system.
Like gamblers addicted to the lights, sounds and false hope of something for nothing -- with numbed minds and hearts, hopefully, endlessly feeding coins to a machine and mindlessly tugging on a handle repeatedly -- most people are unaware of the very real dangers of their "civilized" world.
As a child you were probably told not to trust strangers, especially those offering you something like a toy or candy to entice you to go along with them.
As an adult, you might have figured out to beware the promises of a political candidate from "the other" party, but you also followed the promises of their apparent opposite whose promises seem so different and alluring to you, yet whose actual actions are just a clone of their alleged "opponent" (just like a rigged wrestling match).
You were never warned to beware of the two-legged snakes lurking in the tall grasses of high-rise office buildings, labeled government, corporation, or those sunning themselves on the rocks of religious, educational, and particularly medical institutions.
Which is only true because you were never taught or told what to expect, why some things are actually bad, compared to others, why some choices that seem good and right for the moment can go so horribly wrong, while others which appear so undesirable right now alone can reward you in future for choosing and sticking with them diligently.
There are effects, consequences, for every cause or choice you make.
Some are good, but most of those that seem right to the majority often turn out to be so bad, you later wonder what everybody was thinking (or not thinking) for things to have gone so terribly wrong! Misdirected idealism, like uninformed faith or tragic misplaced trust, is nothing better than belief in fictional super heroes or religious idols that cannot walk, hear or speak, like believing a man really can fly and then the horror of learning first hand the awful truth.
In just such ways are so many led to the brink of disaster, and over the precipice! That cliff of dashed hopes and mistaken trust, for those who stumble toward it unaware their every step leads them closer to inevitable doom, is cancer.
Nearby are the rapids, shoals and falls of heart disease, with the parched deserts of diabetes, the overgrown, thorny forests of obesity, and the slow, painful death tar pits of Alzheimer's -- among other similar health crises -- in every other direction.
Successfully navigating past these deadly obstacles takes diligence, persistence, and a good map and guide, along with plenty of provisions on hand.
Chief among these is a good education, to feed your mind the wisdom and experiences of those who have risked the journey before you...
And, to paraphrase Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), it's best not to let your schooling interfere with your education.
Only trouble is, there are so many false maps, greedy guides, and bogus books and teachers clamoring about and loudly hawking their wares, that you could understandably feel very confused and reticent to trust the few genuine articles and their guardians available to you.
Trust in the wrong paradigm (example, pattern) or choice, and you will wind up where so many others have found themselves -- bewildered over how you came to such an inglorious impasse -- fighting for your life in a desperate, seemingly hopeless, doomed struggle against all odds.
Trust correctly, however, and you can avoid all that, without ever having to know personally what you missed, although you may very well see and feel the pain of others you care for falling victim to such bad choices.
Most will doubtless think you odd, if not criminal, for not following their abbreviated and painful path in life.
So many trust government to protect them from these evils, little suspecting they are really putting their faith in other people no different from themselves, who are just as subject to being deceived and making all the wrong choices in life.
Start with the idea that a government job is like a guaranteed hedge from the harsh realities of the real competitive world, without any clue where all the money to run the whole shebang comes from (or where most of it goes to), or how to truly fix what's broke in the economy.
Think of all the lost experience and guidance, from the attrition caused by cancer and other major diseases, for a major clue.
Trust is often misplaced and misguided by misinformed mentors with miscreant motives, seeking something for nothing or -- at the very least -- something better, without the bother of doing anything different than what everyone else is doing.
Cancer is a stone of stumbling littering the landscape of modern society, over which those who wear the blindfolds of false faith often fall to their hurt and destruction every day.
How many become victims to cancer through blind faith and toady trust in the false saviors of modern medicine? According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control, the total is more than 1,506 fatalities due to cancer every single day...
That's more than 63 deaths caused by cancer every hour, which is more than one every minute! To put this into perspective, that's the equivalent of one 9-11 catastrophe (3,000 dead) every other day.
Add in heart disease, and that's more than one 9-11 every single day, or nearly as many each year as have died in every war (declared or not) in the entire history of the United States to date (1,315,998 through June 2010; according to militaryfactory.
asp)! By the tenth anniversary of 9-11-01 America will have suffered the equal of 3,650 Pentagon and World Trade Center disasters -- or ten times the number of deaths attributed to all American conflicts dating back before the Revolutionary War -- just from cancer and heart disease fatalities alone.
Add to these figures those for every other form of disease-related fatalities, and you've only just begun to see the grim picture being painted on the grisly canvas of recent human experience.
Factoring in all deaths related to diseases of all kinds (1,804,987 in 2006, the most recent year for which these stats are available), better than 10% more Americans are dropping dead every single day from illnesses alone than have died in every war in American history to date! That's where mistaken faith in medicine has led America just over the past century.
Earlier generations would have seen this for the horrific plague and terroristic evil it actually is.
That's where false belief can lead you, if you let it, and that's precisely why such thievish, thankless misplaced trust is, without exception, the #1 cause of cancer fatalities today.
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