Important People in History
Such people thought out of the box and achieved milestones for the world's better present and future.
Some important people in history are mentioned below: Agricola: A Roman soldier and statesman, he became Governor of Briton in 78AD.
Alexander the Great: From a ruler of Macedonia, he conquered more than half the world as far as India.
He will always be remembered as a military genius.
Christopher Columbus: He was a voyager who discovered America.
Sir Isaac Newton: an eminent mathematician and physicist, he formulated theory of gravity, laws of motion, tidal theory, physical optics and calculus.
Albert Einstein: A physicist and Nobel laureate, he linked quantum theory and the Theory of Relativity.
Thomas Jefferson: He was one of the Founding Fathers of the US.
Edward Jenner: He is also referred to as the Father of Immunology, and was responsible for inventing the vaccine against smallpox.
Ayatollah Khomeini: A religious and political influence, he was responsible for making Iran the first Islamic republic.
John F.
Kennedy: He was a popular US president who brought domestic reforms and civil rights to black Americans.
Abraham Lincoln: As president, he was responsible for bringing slavery to an end in the US.
Benito Mussolini: He was a dictator in Italy and ally of Nazis.
His influence in World War II cannot be undermined.
Mohandas Gandhi: Better known as Mahatma Gandhi, he is also referred to as the Father of the Nation in India.
He adopted non-violence to get freedom against Great Britain.
Alfred Noble: An inventor who invented the dynamite.
He held 355 patents and instituted Nobel Prize.
Louie Pasteur: He propagated pasteurization for killing bacteria, and importance of vaccination.
Margaret Thatcher: She was the first woman prime minister of Britain and is also referred to as the Iron Lady.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek: A scientist by profession and he is known as the father of microbiology, animal reproduction and plant anatomy.
Francis Crick and James Watson: Together, these two researchers were responsible for discovering the double helix structure of the DNA.