Money - Is It Vulgar or Valuable?
Here in the UK we have a deeply ingrained reserve and reticence about money, the etiquette and manners around it.
Often money is a taboo subject.
You don't tell people what you earn, you don't ask others what they earn - it's vulgar to want to earn a lot of money.
WHY? The more you earn the more you can help others.
I was very lucky growing up - I was someone who really did have a rich maiden Aunt who left me and my sisters a lot of money, and my father was careful to invest it all properly, so for a long time I had a private income, but the consequence of that was that I never learned to go out and earn my own money.
But, I lost most of that money, thousands and thousands, in the crash at the end of the '90s and I have had to completely re-evaluate my relationship with money, not just in terms of how to earn it, but the fact that I CAN go out and earn.
Can you believe that I actually had to give myself permission to do this and to know that it was perfectly OK to not just tap into the reserves - because they were dwindling and I no longer had my safety net.
And it's been an interesting, tough and eyes-wide-open lesson for me.
And in that time I have had to re-assess my relationship with money.
I've realised that most wealthy people create a lot of wealth and money flows to them because of the depth of their passion for what they do.
They understand and set a high value on the money they earn - in and of itself it's important and it's OK for it to be important.
There doesn't have to be any thing vulgar about having a lot of money, because when you understand universal laws - the abundance and infinity of everything, then you'll begin to realise that there IS enough money for everyone - just not that many people realise or believe that.
And when you don't believe, then it doesn't show up.
Consider this, every thought that we have creates an energetic connection to whomever or whatever it is that we are thinking about.
And what you give out you get back, energetically - right? You know what it's like when you walk into a room and two people are in the middle of a furious row but have the self control to try and hide it? I think we've all done that at some time.
Well, you'll also know that you can feel the atmosphere in that room - it's palpable and you can almost cut it with a knife.
What you're feeling at that time is their negative energy which is surrounding all the emotion flying between those two people.
Now consider the flip side to that scenario - the couple whose relationship is warm, deep, loving and fulfilling, and they're just wonderful to have around because of the sense of peace and warmth that pervades everything around them.
When you really understand that we are all energy and everything around us is only energy in one form or another - then money must be that too.
And your relationship with money is vital and at the core of how effectively you receive it - and keep it.
It's probable that your relationship with money will have been embedded in you when you were small and growing up - and if that relationship, when you reflect on it, is one of lack, envy, fear, there's not enough - then those emotions will form the basis of how much or little money you are able to manifest today.
If you are bitter about not having enough, 'Everyone else has enough to spend, but not me...
' then you are establishing a relationship of bitterness and envy with money every time you think about it.
Learning to relax when you pay the bills, for instance, thinking of the benefits and being grateful for the electricity that flows into your house and learning to love money in and of itself will help your capacity to earn and have more money.
So it's not an 'I love money' - hoard it attitude - that won't work because you will be cutting off the flow.
Money must flow - as all energy must and does flow and the energy that is money is exactly the same.
It's more about creating good feeling around having it, looking after it in your wallet and generating good and positive feelings around the money in your pocket that will help to change the energy and relationship you have with money.
If you are feeling uncomfortable with what I'm saying here, then that's good, and I won't apologise, because it means I'm pressing some of your buttons and making you think.
Money likes to be paid attention to and valued.
Every penny counts - not because each one is so scarce, but because of what you can do with each and every one you have.
The more money you have, the more you can do with it to benefit everyone - including yourself.
Often money is a taboo subject.
You don't tell people what you earn, you don't ask others what they earn - it's vulgar to want to earn a lot of money.
WHY? The more you earn the more you can help others.
I was very lucky growing up - I was someone who really did have a rich maiden Aunt who left me and my sisters a lot of money, and my father was careful to invest it all properly, so for a long time I had a private income, but the consequence of that was that I never learned to go out and earn my own money.
But, I lost most of that money, thousands and thousands, in the crash at the end of the '90s and I have had to completely re-evaluate my relationship with money, not just in terms of how to earn it, but the fact that I CAN go out and earn.
Can you believe that I actually had to give myself permission to do this and to know that it was perfectly OK to not just tap into the reserves - because they were dwindling and I no longer had my safety net.
And it's been an interesting, tough and eyes-wide-open lesson for me.
And in that time I have had to re-assess my relationship with money.
I've realised that most wealthy people create a lot of wealth and money flows to them because of the depth of their passion for what they do.
They understand and set a high value on the money they earn - in and of itself it's important and it's OK for it to be important.
There doesn't have to be any thing vulgar about having a lot of money, because when you understand universal laws - the abundance and infinity of everything, then you'll begin to realise that there IS enough money for everyone - just not that many people realise or believe that.
And when you don't believe, then it doesn't show up.
Consider this, every thought that we have creates an energetic connection to whomever or whatever it is that we are thinking about.
And what you give out you get back, energetically - right? You know what it's like when you walk into a room and two people are in the middle of a furious row but have the self control to try and hide it? I think we've all done that at some time.
Well, you'll also know that you can feel the atmosphere in that room - it's palpable and you can almost cut it with a knife.
What you're feeling at that time is their negative energy which is surrounding all the emotion flying between those two people.
Now consider the flip side to that scenario - the couple whose relationship is warm, deep, loving and fulfilling, and they're just wonderful to have around because of the sense of peace and warmth that pervades everything around them.
When you really understand that we are all energy and everything around us is only energy in one form or another - then money must be that too.
And your relationship with money is vital and at the core of how effectively you receive it - and keep it.
It's probable that your relationship with money will have been embedded in you when you were small and growing up - and if that relationship, when you reflect on it, is one of lack, envy, fear, there's not enough - then those emotions will form the basis of how much or little money you are able to manifest today.
If you are bitter about not having enough, 'Everyone else has enough to spend, but not me...
' then you are establishing a relationship of bitterness and envy with money every time you think about it.
Learning to relax when you pay the bills, for instance, thinking of the benefits and being grateful for the electricity that flows into your house and learning to love money in and of itself will help your capacity to earn and have more money.
So it's not an 'I love money' - hoard it attitude - that won't work because you will be cutting off the flow.
Money must flow - as all energy must and does flow and the energy that is money is exactly the same.
It's more about creating good feeling around having it, looking after it in your wallet and generating good and positive feelings around the money in your pocket that will help to change the energy and relationship you have with money.
If you are feeling uncomfortable with what I'm saying here, then that's good, and I won't apologise, because it means I'm pressing some of your buttons and making you think.
Money likes to be paid attention to and valued.
Every penny counts - not because each one is so scarce, but because of what you can do with each and every one you have.
The more money you have, the more you can do with it to benefit everyone - including yourself.