Final Fantasy 13 Battle System
The much anticipated Final Fantasy 13 has finally hit the shelves of major game distributors and many have since tried the game and have given it a fantastic review.
This is mostly due to the revamp of the battle system that have much fans asking for more even after they've finish playing the game.
The battle system in Final Fantasy 13 is considered as one of the fastest pace battle system ever to embrace the FF series.
It is based on a active turn based system instead of the older and slower turn base system.
Although at first it seemed a little fast and confusing, especially for first time gamers, the in game tutorial does a great job at making sure that everyone who picks up the game can get accustomed to the system.
Sadly for veteran players, this means you'll have to sit through a near 6 hours of tutorial like story before finally unlocking every aspect of the game.
One major introduction of the battle system is the paradigm shift, which is what makes the game so exciting and addictive.
Each member party can take on a specific role, ranging from sentinel, ravager, commando, medic and synergist.
When in this role, they can only perform certain spells and ability.
The paradigm shift allows you to actively rotate each party member's role throughout a fight, and from then on can form interesting and devastating combos once you've learn enough about their roles.
Why switch roles so often? This is because the game also employs a rating system for each and every combat that you're involved in, from 0 to 5 stars, and your drops will depends on your combat ratings.
Therefore the aim is to have a 5 star rating for every combat that you're involved in, and this will requires you to constantly switch your party member's role throughout the combat in order to find the best combination for the vast variety of enemies.
Aside from that, the leveling system employed in the game is based on crystals, and each role have it's own crystal which will be able to unlock more abilities and moves later on in the game.
Assigning a specific role to a member is vital in the long run, as one member can truly becomes a master in that role instead of a jack of all trades, master of none.
Overall, it is a refreshing change of combat system from the previous installment of Final Fantasy franchise, allowing more fast paced action and thus attracting more players who have never tried this game before.
This is mostly due to the revamp of the battle system that have much fans asking for more even after they've finish playing the game.
The battle system in Final Fantasy 13 is considered as one of the fastest pace battle system ever to embrace the FF series.
It is based on a active turn based system instead of the older and slower turn base system.
Although at first it seemed a little fast and confusing, especially for first time gamers, the in game tutorial does a great job at making sure that everyone who picks up the game can get accustomed to the system.
Sadly for veteran players, this means you'll have to sit through a near 6 hours of tutorial like story before finally unlocking every aspect of the game.
One major introduction of the battle system is the paradigm shift, which is what makes the game so exciting and addictive.
Each member party can take on a specific role, ranging from sentinel, ravager, commando, medic and synergist.
When in this role, they can only perform certain spells and ability.
The paradigm shift allows you to actively rotate each party member's role throughout a fight, and from then on can form interesting and devastating combos once you've learn enough about their roles.
Why switch roles so often? This is because the game also employs a rating system for each and every combat that you're involved in, from 0 to 5 stars, and your drops will depends on your combat ratings.
Therefore the aim is to have a 5 star rating for every combat that you're involved in, and this will requires you to constantly switch your party member's role throughout the combat in order to find the best combination for the vast variety of enemies.
Aside from that, the leveling system employed in the game is based on crystals, and each role have it's own crystal which will be able to unlock more abilities and moves later on in the game.
Assigning a specific role to a member is vital in the long run, as one member can truly becomes a master in that role instead of a jack of all trades, master of none.
Overall, it is a refreshing change of combat system from the previous installment of Final Fantasy franchise, allowing more fast paced action and thus attracting more players who have never tried this game before.