Make Money Fast Without A Web Site
Before blogs came along I had lots of trouble setting up and maintaining a web site.
To be totally honest with you, although I lost some business from prospects who just couldn't buy the idea that I didn't need a web site, I was also able to make money fast from a vast majority of the clients that came my way.
I used the no web site technique that I am about to reveal to you to make money fast online without any problem.
I focused on an affiliate program that paid out $12.
50 per sales and then I also sold my content provision services.
I was able to make thousands of dollars without a web site.
All I did to make money fast without owning a web site was to write lots of articles and post them at web sites and article directories all over the net complete with a detailed resource box.
The resource box invited people to sign up for my free email newsletter or to email me directly if they required some content provided for them.
My affiliate links I placed right in the middle of the article (there are some article directories that do not allow this but I found more than enough that did to enable me make money fast without owning a web site.