How to Pay for Debt Without Acknowledging It as Yours
- 1). Prepare a written advisement to be delivered to the creditor. In the advisement, clearly and unequivocally set forth that you intend to make payments on the debt but that you are not accepting any liability for that debt. The liability for the debt remains exclusively with the individual who incurred the liability.
- 2). Insert a statement in the advisement to be signed by a representative of the creditor. The statement sets forth that the creditor acknowledges that you desire to make payments on but assume no personal liability for the debt in question.
- 3). Maintain an original copy of the fully executed advisement and acknowledgment in your records.
- 4). Make payments as agreed to satisfy the debt. On each check submitted for payment include a notation to the effect:
"Payment on account. Payee assumes no liability for debt."