Important People in The Audience: Start by Massaging Their Egos!
Or does it...
because there is a way of winning their respect with your opening words without fawning to them, yet creating an atmosphere of two-way interaction among equals.
You've Earned The Right To Speak on This Subject.
The truth is 'high status' people are normal human beings like you and I who just happen to be at a certain level of success for whatever reason.
And just like us, they all have a story to tell and share the same highs and lows as we do in our lives.
But I'm not denying that some of them do have a certain charisma, a certain aura of distinguished importance that they radiate.
Big deal! You counteract this by reminding yourself that you've earned the right to speak on this subject and are no fake or fraud! But there's something else you can do to win them over so they sit up and listen.
Massage Their Egos! When speaking to groups of people who are more 'notable' than you or know more than you do about a given subject, acknowledge this by massaging their egos a little with your opening words.
This will win their respect, dissipate your nerves, and get your talk off on the right foot with their status no longer an issue.
All that matters now is your message and what it means to them.
I was once keynote speaker at a conference for professional speakers.
And I assure you, standing before the critical eye of my peers was more than daunting.
Here was a group that probably thought they knew and had experienced it all.
What could I say to them that they hadn't heard before? Here's how I went about it.
My opening words massaged their egos: "Ladies and gentlemen, to gain the collective speaking experience in this room I'd probably have to live several lifetimes...
but I'm sure you'd all agree there is always room for some new insights.
" Every head in the room nodded sagely.
I had them! Anything I said after that was an 'insight.
' Of course, I then went on to deliver what I had planned anyway and they loved it.
When you feel a little overwhelmed by your audience why not use this marvelous little strategy to win them over? It works every time.
So don't be daunted by who your listeners may be or how much they may know compared to you.
They're not sitting there in judgement, they've got their own problems too! Don't forget that they've given up their precious time to learn something from you so don't let them down! Start by gently acknowledging the collective experience in the room before you...
not forgetting that little magic line of mine: 'But I'm sure you'd all agree there's always room for a few more insights'.
Not only does all this make them feel good, you're now comfortably settled in, and every one is ready for what you have to say.