A Wondering, Wandering Affiliate Newbie Reflects
I suspect many affiliate newbies like me wander all over the net wondering what to get into to make money online.
Like me, many would like to earn money online and don't know where to start...
and worse, as you research and gather information, the less you end up knowing about an answer or which direction to take.
All because the hype, over-sell, free reports - which many of us grab - and then, simply end up with information overload - out of focus, confused and probably out of pocket as well.
My 'desktop' on the computer was getting covered with files, folders and documents about internet marketing tips, potential affiliate programs, website tools and resources to the point I couldn't remember what was what and also, couldn't find stuff that I thought could be useful AND actionable.
Have you found yourself in a similar situation? Believe me you ain't alone - it is easy to get so! My solution - a run through everything with a razor (so to speak) - I deleted material I just knew I wouldn't use and canceled any trial subscriptions I had made - it was too early to commit to them as I hadn't absorbed the learnings on affiliate marketing - which is my choice to earn money online in this internet marketing game.
Next I organised everything left into folders - then wrote up a weekly schedule of tasks that now guides me through everything I have collected and which are potentially actionable.
I was being too irregular with actions like Blogging, Twittering, Article writing and submission - and these need to be consistent as they are so important for traffic generation.
With my weekly schedule I have divided the day into 1.
Learning - reading and absorbing materials - reports PDFs etc - that educate me about internet marketing.
Implementing actions - e.
writing and adding content for my sites - with set time allocated to each site 3.
Web 2.
0 submissions and Admin: emails, autoresponder updates, and so on.
Material from guys like Ewen Chia, Harvey Segal, Fabian Tan have helped me become focused, and most of it for free.
Like me, many would like to earn money online and don't know where to start...
and worse, as you research and gather information, the less you end up knowing about an answer or which direction to take.
All because the hype, over-sell, free reports - which many of us grab - and then, simply end up with information overload - out of focus, confused and probably out of pocket as well.
My 'desktop' on the computer was getting covered with files, folders and documents about internet marketing tips, potential affiliate programs, website tools and resources to the point I couldn't remember what was what and also, couldn't find stuff that I thought could be useful AND actionable.
Have you found yourself in a similar situation? Believe me you ain't alone - it is easy to get so! My solution - a run through everything with a razor (so to speak) - I deleted material I just knew I wouldn't use and canceled any trial subscriptions I had made - it was too early to commit to them as I hadn't absorbed the learnings on affiliate marketing - which is my choice to earn money online in this internet marketing game.
Next I organised everything left into folders - then wrote up a weekly schedule of tasks that now guides me through everything I have collected and which are potentially actionable.
I was being too irregular with actions like Blogging, Twittering, Article writing and submission - and these need to be consistent as they are so important for traffic generation.
With my weekly schedule I have divided the day into 1.
Learning - reading and absorbing materials - reports PDFs etc - that educate me about internet marketing.
Implementing actions - e.
writing and adding content for my sites - with set time allocated to each site 3.
Web 2.
0 submissions and Admin: emails, autoresponder updates, and so on.
Material from guys like Ewen Chia, Harvey Segal, Fabian Tan have helped me become focused, and most of it for free.