What Are The Features Of An Effective Residential Window Cleaning Service?
Most of us avoid cleaning windows on a regular basis as the whole process is tiring and time-consuming. Yes, we schedule it in our regular house cleaning activity and usually leave it for the children; offering them candies to do the task for you. Still, you do not get the desired results for the windows. The windows get attention only before festivals or a big family dinner. However, leaving windows dirty for a long time is not only riskier for window glass, but also for your family's health. That is why; it is always suggested to take help from professional residential window cleaning services. This ensures that the windows are carefully inspected and cleaned. A professional cleaning company adopts and uses advanced techniques, effective equipments and organic & harmless cleaning products to produce safe and quality results for homeowners.
The basic four point steps in effective residential cleaning services are:
Window Scrubbing: A professional cleaner will inspect the windows against scratches, paint, stucco, cracks, chipping, hard water spots, cement, etc. After inspecting, they start the scrubbing the window using a mild scrubber or natural sponge. Scrubbing is neatly done, starting from the edges, using back and forth and finally up and down using a small circular motion. The experienced team members carry out the procedure very gently to avoid any damage to the glass. If the dirty spots are hard to scrub off, then chemicals are used.
Scraping: The second step carried by the professional residential window cleaners is scrapping. High quality scrappers are used for removing or scrapping of the hard debris from your windows. It is done carefully by trained cleaner to prevent scratches.
Squeeze: Squeezing the window is a window mopping procedure done carefully. After scrubbing the windows and scraping of the hard debris, squeezing comes into play. Squeezing is a careful and not an easy process. For this you need expert assistance from professionals.
Wiping: Wiping is the last process. After the squeezing and mopping is done, skilled cleaners start wiping the windows. This process makes the glass look sparklingly clear. In this process the remaining water is wiped off the windows, so as to prevent any dust in the air sticking to it.
These are basic and yet prominent steps involved in residential window cleaning. These steps sound easy but require attention and careful execution. After getting the windows cleaned from professionals, you can repeat the process like squeezing and wiping using special equipment, to maintain see-through windows.
The basic four point steps in effective residential cleaning services are:
Window Scrubbing: A professional cleaner will inspect the windows against scratches, paint, stucco, cracks, chipping, hard water spots, cement, etc. After inspecting, they start the scrubbing the window using a mild scrubber or natural sponge. Scrubbing is neatly done, starting from the edges, using back and forth and finally up and down using a small circular motion. The experienced team members carry out the procedure very gently to avoid any damage to the glass. If the dirty spots are hard to scrub off, then chemicals are used.
Scraping: The second step carried by the professional residential window cleaners is scrapping. High quality scrappers are used for removing or scrapping of the hard debris from your windows. It is done carefully by trained cleaner to prevent scratches.
Squeeze: Squeezing the window is a window mopping procedure done carefully. After scrubbing the windows and scraping of the hard debris, squeezing comes into play. Squeezing is a careful and not an easy process. For this you need expert assistance from professionals.
Wiping: Wiping is the last process. After the squeezing and mopping is done, skilled cleaners start wiping the windows. This process makes the glass look sparklingly clear. In this process the remaining water is wiped off the windows, so as to prevent any dust in the air sticking to it.
These are basic and yet prominent steps involved in residential window cleaning. These steps sound easy but require attention and careful execution. After getting the windows cleaned from professionals, you can repeat the process like squeezing and wiping using special equipment, to maintain see-through windows.