How to Create Your Own Raffle Tickets to Print
- 1
Custom raffle tickets
Decide what information needs to be on your raffle tickets. Each ticket will have two parts: one for the buyer to take, and one for you to keep. On your half, you need the buyer's name and phone number, and the ticket number, at a minimum. On the buyer's half, include the ticket number and as much information about the raffle as you desire. - 2). Open your word processor and figure out how many tickets you can fit on one page. Start by inserting two text boxes next to each other at the top of the page.
- 3). Fill in the information for your half of the ticket in the left box, and the information for the buyer's half in the right box. Experiment with font size and style, spacing and the dimensions of the text boxes until you have a workable set.
- 4
Homemade raffle tickets
Duplicate these boxes until your page is full. Arrange the pairs of boxes on the page until you're satisfied with the layout. Make sure you leave enough room between the rows of tickets to cut them apart later. - 5). Do the math. How many tickets do you need? Divide that number by the number you have on one sheet. That's how many copies of this page you need to print. Print them.
- 6). Number your tickets. Your half and the buyer's half in each row should have the same number. Next row, next number. If more than one person is doing this at the same time, take care that the numbering doesn't get messed up.
- 7). Cut the pages into rows of tickets. Don't cut your half apart from the buyer's half of each ticket. You'll only tear or cut apart those two halves when each is sold to someone.
- 8
Staple stacks of tickets together at the left edge. When each ticket is sold, the right half is cut/torn off and given to the buyer, and the left halves stay stapled together in order. When you're done selling, take out the staples and mix up all the tickets (left halves) together. - 1). You can make decent raffle tickets even without a computer. Follow the set up directions above, except use pen and paper to make a master page of tickets. You might need a couple of rough drafts to get the spacing right, and a ruler will help.
- 2). When you have your master page just right, photocopy as many sheets as you need and number them as directed. Save a blank, unnumbered page, in case you need to make more copies.
- 3). Cut tickets apart and staple together as directed above.
Using Your Computer
Without a Computer