Launch Fear
and you're ready to launch your new website when the fear takes over.
If you have or are currently suffering from "launch fear" I'm guessing you are or have found yourself at a stand still, with doubts creeping in and taking over your thoughts, preventing you from taking the leap to launch your website or business.
To get perspective, I wrote down what I was scared of and the reasons why these fears were holding me back.
That way I could look at it logically and I actually realised the fears I had were dressed up as "what if's" and excuses not to take the next step.
By writing them down I got the drive and passion back and started to change my thought patterns to use my fears as a positive motivational tool.
I realised that having fears was no bad thing, it proves you care about it.
Here are the fears I had and how I see those fears now: What if nobody wants to pay for our products/services? Put the customer at the heart of the business and make sure your offerings meet their needs.
Remember: people will always pay for value.
What if you grow too quick and you can't cope? Walk, don't run.
With your end goal in mind, work backwards using small steps that are easier to manage.
Will growth mean we will lose what we have already built up? Not if you keep your core values at the centre of your business, but at the same time, be flexible and take opportunities when they present themselves.
Will success mean potential failure? A new business will take time to learn, mistakes are bound to be made but this is normal and part of the process.
If you talk to any successful person they will tell you that making mistakes has been a vital part of their journey to success in order for them to grow and improve.
Does success mean people will expect a higher standard of you and what if you cannot provide that standard? Let go of that perfectionism, nothing and nobody is ever perfect.
Do everything you possibly can within your control to do a good job and accept that things won't go right all the time.
Will the business sustain enough revenue over time? It is a well known fact that new businesses rarely make substantial profits early on.
Follow a customer focused strategy and be persistent in offering a valuable service and your persistence will pay off.
Many businesses fail because they give up when the going gets tough.
So, if certain things don't appear to work, find new ways of doing them and keep going until it works.
TAKE THE LEAP!!! Tips to motivate you: Read books - if you read about other successful people some of their wisdom is bound to rub off on you.
Networking - you will meet people who are in a similar situation to you and you can share your experiences, talk through your concerns and ask questions to the people who know exactly what you are going through.
Get some free advice - there is wealth of information and advice available to support new business start ups.
Business Link is a government advisory service online, offering free expert advice and tools to guide you in starting up your own business.
Check your local area for a Business Link centre where you can go to discuss your idea or any concerns with an expert business mentor.
See http://www.
uk for more information.
Always remember: anything worth doing is scary! It won't be easy but if you have the passion, drive and determination - anything is possible! Best Wishes, Cassie Lang (Insp1re's Project Development Manager) Have you experienced launch fear? What were your fears?