Video: How to Burp a Newborn Properly
Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Christina Gavenda at, and today we're going to talk about how to burp your newborn baby. It can be really easy to forget to burp your baby after their done with their feeding or if they are really little halfway in between their feedings but it's really important. If you don't burp your baby, then they can build up little gases in their stomach that can make them uncomfortable even fussy and that's not pleasant. How you choose to burp your baby is mostly up to you, whatever position you find most comfortable. My favorite is supporting their head and neck by putting your arm like this and sitting them, even newborns you can burp them this way, sitting them on your leg and then gently but firmly patting their back until they burp. Some moms prefer a shoulder burp, you just still gently but firmly pat their back until you hear a little burp. If they don't burp after a couple of minutes, you can stop for a little bit and try again. Some babies burp more than others. Some babies don't burp very much at all but it's really important to try because those gases can make them very uncomfortable and unhappy. Thanks so much for watching. I'm Christina Gavenda and that's how you burp your baby.