Type 2 Diabetes - Are You On The Lookout For These Signs and Symptoms?
Many times people have no idea they have Type 2 diabetes.
They are just not aware they are experiencing signs and symptoms of this disease; they put it down to something else.
The 90 per cent rise in the prevalence of diabetes in the last decade and the tripling of cases since the 1980s are all about Type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes makes up approximately 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases.
It was once known as adult-onset diabetes but now it's affecting children and adolescents at alarming rates.
The classic symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination and excessive thirst and appetite.
In Type 1 diabetes the symptoms are really obvious, but in Type 2 diabetes the symptoms are much milder.
This is one of the reasons many people have no idea they are either prediabetic or actually Type 2 diabetic.
However, as with any other kind of disease, it's very important to be on the lookout for specific warning signs.
This is so you can begin treatment for the disease as soon as possible.
You also want be able to make lifestyle changes at the beginning of the disease rather than waiting until you have developed serious complications.
Although Type 2 diabetes can be reversed or most certainly improved, it is much easier to reverse it in the early stages.
Frequent urination: One of the first symptoms you should be on the lookout for is whether or not you are urinating often.
If you find yourself running to the bathroom over and over throughout the day (and night), it could be because your kidneys are having problems processing high levels of sugar in your system.
Some people think they just drink too much coffee, and that is the problem.
However, if it's a recurring event every day no matter what you are eating or drinking, you should get your blood sugar checked by your doctor just to be on the safe side.
Excessive thirst: Another symptom is constant thirst.
Even though your mouth is dry, dehydration is actually about your brain.
Your brain is being flooded with high amounts of sugar and is pulling fluid from any source it can to relieve the uncomfortable fluid surrounding the cells.
You will probably have the urge to drink large amounts of fluid as your body tries to compensate for the lack of water.
Increased fatigue: Next, if you feel like you are tired all the time, it can be a symptom of blood sugar issues.
When sugar from your food cannot get inside your cells, your cells cannot make energy, so you feel tired all the time.
Numbness and tingling in your hands and feet: This is really about nerve damage; it usually takes years to show up.
Neuropathy occurs because your bloodstream is overloaded with sugar...
this is similar to acid to your nerves.
Have you noticed your hands or feet tingle or are numb? If so, see your doctor so he can set up a full panel of blood work to establish if you have high blood sugar or problems with your insulin levels.
Skin problems: Have you brown patches of skin in the fold and creases of your body; brown patches you can't wash away? They are usually found in your armpit, neck, knuckles and groin area.
This is called acanthosis nigricans and is a sign of insulin resistance, the base cause of Type 2 diabetes.
There is no question the earlier Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, the easier it is to reverse the disease.
They are just not aware they are experiencing signs and symptoms of this disease; they put it down to something else.
The 90 per cent rise in the prevalence of diabetes in the last decade and the tripling of cases since the 1980s are all about Type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes makes up approximately 90 to 95 percent of all diabetes cases.
It was once known as adult-onset diabetes but now it's affecting children and adolescents at alarming rates.
The classic symptoms of diabetes are frequent urination and excessive thirst and appetite.
In Type 1 diabetes the symptoms are really obvious, but in Type 2 diabetes the symptoms are much milder.
This is one of the reasons many people have no idea they are either prediabetic or actually Type 2 diabetic.
However, as with any other kind of disease, it's very important to be on the lookout for specific warning signs.
This is so you can begin treatment for the disease as soon as possible.
You also want be able to make lifestyle changes at the beginning of the disease rather than waiting until you have developed serious complications.
Although Type 2 diabetes can be reversed or most certainly improved, it is much easier to reverse it in the early stages.
Frequent urination: One of the first symptoms you should be on the lookout for is whether or not you are urinating often.
If you find yourself running to the bathroom over and over throughout the day (and night), it could be because your kidneys are having problems processing high levels of sugar in your system.
Some people think they just drink too much coffee, and that is the problem.
However, if it's a recurring event every day no matter what you are eating or drinking, you should get your blood sugar checked by your doctor just to be on the safe side.
Excessive thirst: Another symptom is constant thirst.
Even though your mouth is dry, dehydration is actually about your brain.
Your brain is being flooded with high amounts of sugar and is pulling fluid from any source it can to relieve the uncomfortable fluid surrounding the cells.
You will probably have the urge to drink large amounts of fluid as your body tries to compensate for the lack of water.
Increased fatigue: Next, if you feel like you are tired all the time, it can be a symptom of blood sugar issues.
When sugar from your food cannot get inside your cells, your cells cannot make energy, so you feel tired all the time.
Numbness and tingling in your hands and feet: This is really about nerve damage; it usually takes years to show up.
Neuropathy occurs because your bloodstream is overloaded with sugar...
this is similar to acid to your nerves.
Have you noticed your hands or feet tingle or are numb? If so, see your doctor so he can set up a full panel of blood work to establish if you have high blood sugar or problems with your insulin levels.
Skin problems: Have you brown patches of skin in the fold and creases of your body; brown patches you can't wash away? They are usually found in your armpit, neck, knuckles and groin area.
This is called acanthosis nigricans and is a sign of insulin resistance, the base cause of Type 2 diabetes.
There is no question the earlier Type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, the easier it is to reverse the disease.