Information on Alaskan Seals
- Harbor seals live along the coastline from Dixon Entrance to Kuskokwim Bay as well as throughout the Aleutian Islands. Most adults measure between 5 feet and 6 feet long. Walleye pollock, squid and salmon are some of the marine life included in their diet.
- The term ice seals covers ringed, ribbon, spotted and bearded species. All four of these species make their habitat in the Bering Sea. Ringed and bearded seals can also be found in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Crustaceans such as shrimp are prominent food sources. Only the bearded seal can grow to a size of 8 feet. Other ice seals reach about 5 feet in length.
- Northern fur seals are the only fur seal species in Alaska. They live in the Pribilof Islands, located in the southwest part of the state. Males range in weight from 450 pounds to 600 pounds. The seals eat any type of fish or squid available in the area.
Harbor Seals
Ice Seals
Northern Fur Seals